

— married_dude Report User
Paranoid, possessive personality disorder. 2 comments
married_dude · 44 weeks ago
My question would be what happened after the GF realized her BF didn't completely trust her.
I prefer little boobs myself 1 comments
married_dude · 45 weeks ago
To guys, boobs are like free pizza: small, medium, or large, it's all good and we are not going to turn our nose up at any of them.
I would watch the heck out of this 2 comments
married_dude · 45 weeks ago
Yeah, I would totally pay money to watch this.
And a nice side of Choccy Milk 1 comments
married_dude · 46 weeks ago
My son will eat the nuggets and the hotdog, but only if the hotdog is not made out of beef. If you mix ham in the Mac and Cheese, he will consider it.
Fma openings 2 comments
married_dude · 47 weeks ago
Sounds like someone who has never had sex.
Man, the eighties were wild man. 4 comments
married_dude · 50 weeks ago
There was a lot of brown because there was so much left over from the 70s.
Could be good tbh 17 comments
married_dude · 51 weeks ago
First, currently, the longest flight in the world is 18 hours and 40 minutes. Second, if a child screams for 29 hours non-stop, they need to see a doctor, ASAP.
Happy sunday yall! 4 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
The problem arises when a given practice, such as abortion impacts a third person. While there are those who say that an unborn child does not count as a person, others perceive that it becomes a person at conception. If you take the second position, preventing a woman from having an abortion is perfectly reasonable, except in such cases where it is necessary to sacrifice one in order to save the other. (Very, very few pro-life people would dispute the right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy where there is a clear and present danger to the life of the mother.)
(Edited to fix typo)
· Edited 51 weeks ago
Even the most nationalist among us don't defend the imperial system 7 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Or, just for fun, you could take the amount of water the tank holds, which is usually a known amount, and knowing that a gallon of water weighs 8 pounds, you can just multiply it out.
(I might point out here that my original comment was that there are times when the Imperial system is easier to work with, not that it is better than the metric system.)
Don't get me wrong, the metric system is better suited for many, many, modern applications. It's just that, for a lot of day to day activities, switching over would simply not be worth the trouble.
Even the most nationalist among us don't defend the imperial system 7 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Which means that it is not quite the same as an imperial teaspoon, which means you have to adjust the rest of the recipe. You are talking about either changing every single recipe out in every single recipe book, OR having people get two different sets of measuring cups/spoons/etc. At the end of the day, it just isn't worth the trouble.
Even the most nationalist among us don't defend the imperial system 7 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
I will grant you that the metric system is easier to use, especially in a classroom, where you are converting from one thing to another. Also, in many real-world uses, it doesn't make much difference whether you one or the other. For example, using hectares or acres in describing the size of a piece of land, either will tell someone what they need to know, assuming they were familiar with the unit in question.
However, there are some situations where the imperial units are just easier to work with. Which is easier, measuring out 1 teaspoon or measuring 4.928 ml?
I gotta run they're coming to cancel me 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
I would not exactly compare the two. The bombs were dropped in a declared war that the bombing nation did not initiate.
Wagie Karen 5 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
If it's a $10 breakfast meal, $2 is a decent tip, $5 is a very generous tip.
"Who is this American secret agent we keep hearing about called Oscar Mayer?" 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Google Maps says it's a Dunkin Donuts. :)
Yes sir 2 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Grab my sword, put on my armor, mount my trusty steed, and head out!
Are you sure, Dad 3 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
From a teenager of the 80s: the scary part is that we fought for the right to go out like that. Fought. Vigorously.
Just let me be a wizard 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Newsflash to some of the crazies out there: just because you are opposed to something does not necessarily mean you are afraid it.
Student debt is definitely worth it! 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
To be fair, most of what I learned in college had nothing to do with a classroom.
Take care of your boys 2 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Most single guys (and a number of married ones) are starved for positive female attention. That's one reason that so many guys are vulnerable to gold-diggers and abusive women in general.
Yeah, basically 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
A more common example: Sam goes to the store to get toilet paper. He can get a $3 pack with 6 rolls, or a 14 pack for $5. The 12 pack is a better deal, but Sam only has $4. What does he do?
Yeah, I'm into BDSM 4 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
I thought BDSM stood for "Burgers, Drinks, and Salsa Music." :)
Why no trad queen? 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
The church of England was not founded over a theological dispute with Rome, but a power struggle over Henry and his divorces. Plus, it was a bit of a land grab as a large portion of the land in England was owned by the Catholic Church, which the crown could not tax, but still had to pay to defend.
Anon takes his sport seriously 13 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Of course no one wants to feel either, but for guys, feeling inadequate is worse than feeling unloved. For women, it's the opposite: feeling unloved is worse than feeling inadequte. These girls didn't get that.
Anon takes his sport seriously 13 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
They tried to set the two of you up on a date, but they wanted to make you look inadequate in the process. Note to the women reading this: that's a non-starter for most guys. Women don't want to feel unloved, guys don't want to feel inadequate. It's one of the fundamental differences between the sexes.
Yeah 4 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
So say we all.