First class hypocrite 13 comments
· 6 years ago
You're right, I understand you're point. I just don't think it's fair to lay all of the blame on Beyonce.
First class hypocrite 13 comments
First class hypocrite 13 comments
· 6 years ago
and if that women wasn't working in that factory what would be another source of income for her, and possibly her children. Prostitution. So yes look at all of the currency conversions for income. Many women would gladly take a job like that opposed to sex work that, in many cases, leads to abuse and spread of diseases such as AIDS/HIV.
YALL 12 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm currently a theatre arts major and I've been doing theatre for well over a decade and I can confirm that it does come from superstition. Theatre has sooooo many superstitions and that's just one of the most popular. The whole break a leg = hope you get in the cast, is purely coincidental. But also it's pretty clever.
It's an umbrella... For your dog 2 comments
Heavy metal 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I once went to a Christmas tree farm and they had "Reindeer" that was really just a small male deer. It's antlers were shedding and bleeding and it was quite a horrific sight. Some kid started crying lol
why doesn't this happen more #10 24 comments
· 7 years ago
This is misandry hiding behind the word feminism. Please do not assume that all feminists are like this because we are not.
Rattlesnake venom on blood 14 comments
· 8 years ago
A friend of mine got bit my a rattlesnake once on her foot. Her dad sucked the venom out of her foot WITH HIS MOUTH. She was fine but here entire leg was paralyzed for about 2 weeks!
I have a golden retriever and this is so true! 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I think the only exception to this is a basset hound. They boof for sure.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
Again, wildly pathetic. You do not have the brain power to experience compassion or respect. Very sad.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
This is so pathetic. Honestly. I feel very bad for you. Please spend your time doing better things.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow you sure are hungry for attention. Well if you think putting others down is the only way for you to feel good about yourself. Immature and sad.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
Well, if nobody cares that her feelings were hurt then why is LITERALLY EVERYONE BITCHING AND MOANING ON THIS POST. It's exhausting how little compassion people are showing.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
Do you think I care that people are down voting me? And really you're going to lecture me about the real world and growing up? All I am trying to do is support the girl in this photo who was hurt. A bunch of people think that OCD is just some joke. It's not. There are proven scientific links that OCD can cause suicidal thoughts and actions. So why are you all complaining. This girl was hurt. That's the bottom line. You're insults and critiques are irrelevant and immature. You all need to grow up and accept that a girl's feeling were hurt. Her mental disease was used to sell a taboo Christmas product. Target was totally out of place to do that. You all need to grow up.
Who's offending who 70 comments
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
I was unaware that this was a competition. I'm sorry that you need affirmation from strangers on the internet. I was trying to prove a point, that is all. You have immaturely made this a bigger deal than it is. I was just trying to teach tolerance and acceptance. Two things you clearly will never understand.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
Honestly why are you like this. What the hell does this have to do with you? You don't have OCD so why are you so wildly triggered by this? It has nothing to do with you. You are just harassing people. Desperately craving attention due to your own ignorance. And also want is wrong with being a SJW? What is so bad about wanting to give people basic human rights? Why are you so threatened by equality? What are you using hatred to compensate for? And also if your comment is just going to be calling me a bitch or cunt (very creative by the way) please don't waste your time.
Who's offending who 70 comments
· 8 years ago
What gives you the right to say any of this? You have zero idea whether this girl has OCD whether it be self-diagnosed or not. I personally have OCD, I was diagnosed at the age of 10 by my physician. I am also offended by the sweater. I also know that you are saying this to get attention. Calling her a bitch and cunt is not making you prove your point any better, it shows that you are insensitive and immature. Please use your time and energy on something better than harassing people on the internet.
Conservative logic 75 comments
· 8 years ago
Ok here is some truth juice for ya'll. Some Christians don't believe in the use of contraceptives, some Christians do. I'm a Christian and I am on birth control. Not because I am sexually active (there is nothing wrong with being sexually active ladies) I am on the pill because I have Endometriosis, a medical disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. About 2 months ago I had the most intense pain I've ever felt in my uterus and was rushed to the ER, I was then diagnosed with Endometriosis. A woman taking birth control to prevent a pregnancy is not a slut (please do not slut shame it's so immature and this isn't the 50's) It is her being a responsible adult and taking precautions. Also "guestwho" calling yourself a "true conservative" is not very reverent. You have no right to label someone a Christian or not a Christian based on their opinions on the use of contraceptives. Ok now ya'll know everything you need to know.