If men could get pregnant 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Cool, but that doesn't mean you take away freedom of choice from one and a half million people, especially given that circumstances are unique. Plus, not one man should be in the Pro-Life movement since, really, they have no idea what it's like to be pregnant or give birth; past conception, the male has basically zero non-legal obligation to the woman or child, and legal obligations can and are avoided. (This is coming from a man, by the way.)
Devil's advocate 4 comments
liek if u cri evrytiem 11 comments
definition of mentally disabled right here 10 comments
· 8 years ago
It's no use. Upon further examination, we have concluded that this is a member of the "guest" species, and is thus incapable of intelligent speech.
My theme song 8 comments
definition of mentally disabled right here 10 comments
Prohibition Isn't Working 2 comments
What would you do if this happens to you? 10 comments
And most liberal leaning individuals still hate this fact 25 comments
· 8 years ago
The thing is, people don't really have an equal chance now. The fact is, barriers such as age, religion, class, race, biological gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, and disabilities (in no particular order and just to name a few) can present a significant obstacle to many, and pretending that's not so won't change or solve anything. Also, targeting a particular political ideology only serves to deter cooperation and compromise, something sorely needed nowadays. TLDR don't ignore actual inequalities and don't target anyone.
A reservoir of water vapor in space 5 comments
· 9 years ago
*There was a giant reservoir of water vapor more than 12 billion light years away more than 12 billion years ago.