My cat has thumbs and uses an iPhone 7 comments
· 11 years ago
I read "he has tumblr" and I figured that makes so much sense :-D
So sick of the government 2 comments
Dinosaur feather, with a mite, found in amber from canada 24 comments
· 11 years ago
I do not choose science and I simply do was not interested in a typed out debate that will truly change no one's mind. If you want to wonder what science says look it up yourself and remember what is and isn't sciene, dating sciences being known to be so far off (Mount Saint Hellans volcanic ash being said to be millions of years old that had been collected only weeks after the eruption itself.) And for the record it was John McCain who was referred as a maverick however my screen name has nothing to do with him as it it's purposely misspelled as well to be my own.
God bless
God bless
I love you jenny 19 comments
Bridge supported only with balloons 6 comments
Medical issues 5 comments
· 11 years ago
I tested positive for strep the other day then checked to see what WebMd said.. according to the internet I either have type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or brain cancer. At least I only had strep.
Joker without makeup 5 comments
· 11 years ago
I was thinking "Oh that is disrespectful!" Then I read the last one and realized. "Oh they is Heath Ledger..."
My first star is gone :'( 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh and opinions... people don't like opinions... but maybe that's just my opinion. Opinionception =-O
Dinosaur feather, with a mite, found in amber from canada 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Again, I wasn't whining nor trying to force views on anyone. I was simply stating why this scientific phenomena occurs. However, if you'd rather look for more misspelled attempts at insults, I'll leave you to that.
Grace and Peace.
Grace and Peace.
Dinosaur feather, with a mite, found in amber from canada 24 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm sorry that everyone I'd entitled to their opinions EXCEPT Christians. I clearly said I wasn't forcing opinions on anyone just stating my own theory that fits the science we see perfectly. :-)
If dogs could talk 8 comments
Dinosaur feather, with a mite, found in amber from canada 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Well if you're wondering. A great, rapid flood would preserve all the fossils we find and explain how the mammoths that were frozen still have readable DNA. Because the world is only several thousand years old. :-) Just my belief and opinion. I'm not forcing it on anyone but it explains things quite easily if you want to take a look :-)
No one told him 1 comments
· 11 years ago
Goldfish can't breath underwater :-( they actually don't have gills to extract the oxygen from the water :-P so therefore you could kill a goldfish by drowning it, have fun!
Mushroom son of a b*** 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Nope, back in the day you could only go right :-) if you missed something then it was gone. Oh the good old days! :-D I worry that I'm one of the few teens left that remember them. :-)
It's not always about being the best 6 comments
Hearts of gold 35 comments
· 11 years ago
I love pitbulls, they're such loving creatures but everyone thinks poorly of them. Please continue with more you kind soul. :-)