It's "could NOT" 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes! Fucking yes!
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
Duuuude this argument is getting real boring I'm just yanking your chain. My original point was valid but I give up first, I'm done. Ps how dare people down vote my gurren lagann reference.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
Just google him is it that hard? guests are the way forward for this site, row row fight the powah!
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
Way to randomly make it about yourself? Thanks for seeing my point but I chose to ignore that mgovia obsession the one week it was going on, so if your question is.... Was I aiming the old man hate specifically at you personally? Then my answer is no. If you fit that category then yes however I disagree that I'm as bad as 90% of FS on the grounds that I do not know the condition in which I and 90% of FS are bad. Thank you for your time, this infomercial has been brought to you by "Totally Radical One eyed monster Licked Lovingly"........
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
*Yes you are narrow minded and stupid no I'm not vegan I do like snickers though.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
But your opinion is narrow minded and stupid so I won't "grab a beer" and "say it's fine" and stop saying diss what are you 12? I INSULTED you, oh but you "could be older than me" lessthanthree.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm purposely being a dick about it because I hate you all but that is in no way related to my opinion on this subject I realise you're all young and under developed but stop bitching say somthing like "oh your a cunt but I see your point my man" down vote me and we can all go on with our lives.... Or not I'm not your daddy.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
Ahh why is my point being completely ignored by you imbeciles. I use this site to distract my brain at the doctors and trying to cure jiffy3's plagued face and it's become like a Facebook, tumblr fuck fest with very little stuff I just find funny or interesting it's all selfies n stupid shit and to top it off I'm trying to preach no ignorance and equality and you 12 year old fucks n old men with no friends are pretending to drink each other's piss and joking around with the Frankenstein faced redneck who doesn't understand some people are not happy in the skin they are born in. Ps blah blah blah another joke about jiffy3s dick shaped face pustules.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
With jiffy3's horrid facial deformities. Ps he doesn't have the stretched nose now as far as I'm aware.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't know is being horrifically ugly make you cry yourself to sleep, contemplate running away or suicide? If so then sure go see your nearest plastic surgeon or you might need someone with more powerful tools like a welder.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
Well jiffy3 as unpopular as this opinion might be I don't agree with you living in the 21st century. it's people with opinions like that, that hold us back as a species go back to civil war era Texas and be with your people.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
Someone altering their body to fit the image they have of themselves in their head, believe it or not that's what some people do with modification but the world and you people are ignorant and would rather take the piss on the internet then try to understand.
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
Well don't google him then because he looks ten times cooler now.... Would you go up to a trans person and tell them that the modification they get to achieve their real body image is "ridiculous".
Gee, I wonder why 78 comments
· 10 years ago
Fuck you all and fuck this post... This guy pauly the unstoppable aka fara flawless he has MANY jobs google him. I'm sick of seeing posts like this, "oh this is different I don't like" grow up make some dead baby jokes and don't mock things you know nothing about. I have one for you "spends all day making friends on fun substance because no one loves them in real life..." That's it that's my meme, let's post some more selfies and pretend we're a family gang! :D
Edited 10 years ago