darling, there's a smile on my face, you see I have clean arms with no red. But you never take the time to look into my eyes, or even check my hips.
— A R H Report User
Some cool tombstones. 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Some of these are depressing because they have a sad meaning behind them
Equality! 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Apparently my friend said to one of his ex's when they were going out "wow hunny. You fit in this pants again"
Feminists better watch out 33 comments
Feminists better watch out 33 comments
This is what happens when you refuse to sell your house to a mall developer 16 comments
· 10 years ago
They shouldn't be able to do that. As long as you are paying the mortgage you own the house and it can't be taken from you
Feminists better watch out 33 comments
Every parents question 5 comments
· 10 years ago
When my Shihtzu used to sleep with me she would use my pillow as hers as well
Does anybody in here do that, anyways? 48 comments
Two different viewpoints...what would you do? 19 comments