darling, there's a smile on my face, you see I have clean arms with no red. But you never take the time to look into my eyes, or even check my hips.
— A R H Report User
Oh, great what's next an allowance raise? 1 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh that already happened. What happens next is he gets paid per hour
Edited 10 years ago
Rock me, slave 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I meant the rocking horse type thing. It looks like a cow
Edited 10 years ago
Come on elsa, don't be like that 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Do you want to build a spaceship.
Come on let's fly to space.
I never see you anymore
You fell out the door
It's like you're lost in spaaaccce
Edited 10 years ago
Come on let's fly to space.
I never see you anymore
You fell out the door
It's like you're lost in spaaaccce
He has no front legs but gets around like a pro 13 comments
Still my worst nightmare 8 comments
How Well Do You Know Yourself? 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I've never had a dream with a face I haven't seen before. Even if its just a picture they can appear in your dream
*cries* 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes. When I went with my parents I was the one eating all of them and hoarding them in a napkin to take them home
And The Winner for the Best Last Words Ever Is… 7 comments
· 10 years ago
A fair amount of people around us in our town or whatever seem to say "I don't feel so well. I'm going to go lay down"
It's not Taco Bell, it's your diet 8 comments
"boob life" fail 11 comments
"boob life" fail 11 comments
Moms be hatin 6 comments
· 10 years ago
My mom wouldn't even say that. I missed the bus before and I just stayed home all day
What men really look for in a woman 15 comments
· 10 years ago
If I notice a girl with a thigh gap I find they look malnurished and need to actually gain weight. My arms are bigger than their thighs
Edited 10 years ago
Accurate 12 comments
Accurate 12 comments
My Chemical Bean 7 comments