

— picador_jr Report User
Who else watches this awesome show? 16 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Amazing show!
Unlimited supply, limited access 69 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
I am actually not anti abortion (within the limits of morality and ethics) however just need to point out that none of the other procedures mentioned involves other potentially live human beings being hurt, thus there is a huge difference. Just saying.
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Yes Syrian refugees from Libya
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Ignorance is so damn high here. They are from the middle east not Africa. Let me make it simple for you, since I am pretty sure you will have a hard time comprehending basic geography. Middle east is not in Africa. Wow people can really be idiots and yet still comment and insult as if they are not retarded themselves
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
And people from Africa are related to this topic how?
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
So you are telling me that "By definition" you can only be a refugee if you flee to a neighboring country? WOW how convenient that must be for Europe! Yeah, that is why they have asylum centers and rules across Europe all the way up to Scandinavia
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Lastly what pisses me off so much about discussions like this post is the people in the west playing the victim. There is only one victim in this story and they are the refugees, who had their
whole lives turned upside down by the events they had no say in. So the question now is not about oh how devastating it would be for Europe to accept a few thousand refugees, but rather how " humane " or " civilized" people in the west are willing to be.
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
@texasranger besides the fact that the claim about US funding ISIS before it was ISIS is so naive on multiple levels ( also so was US funding the Taliban+Al Quaidee against Russians, Al Nusra against Asad, Saddam against Iran etc. before they all turned into what ever at the end) It doesn't change the fact that it ended up destabilizing the whole region. Without going into whether it was with good intensive or otherwise, if you destabilize a country and then bomb the hell out of it afterwards. I guess you should not be surprised if people want to get the hell out of there.
I guess it was also wrong of me to only talk about ISIS as there are people from all over the middle east amongst these refugees. I guess people in this thread claiming the west had nothing to do with this crisis are also going to claim that there were weapons of mass destruction in Irak, and the west had nothing to do with the gulf wars, Afghanistan etc. either
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Another thing which is so wrong about this post is the word "migrants". These people are not immigrants, they are refugees. I won't even get started about the racist policies of the western world towards immigration, but these people are not even there for better life standard, they are just trying to not get killed by a war which they have not started and has no end in sight. Wanting to end up on a richer country, where they would not starve is quite human I would say.
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
4)Permissibility of eating Haram in Islam is exclusively reserved for life or death situations, and I am pretty sure these people would not qualify according to many scholars. Please do not claim people can use this exception, without knowing what it pertains to. Again, I will have to reiterate, these people are not necessarily there because they are starving, but because they are ruining away from war.
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Couple of facts here:
1) I think you are confusing being a refugee with being poor. The term refers to people who are not safe at their home countries and may be facing the possibility of death, which leads them to seek "refuge" in a safer country. A refugee does not necessarily have to starve to be considered "legit". Being in dire situation also does not necessarily only correspond to not having food.
2) Turkey has around 2.5 million Syrian refugees and is still accepting many more. Lebanon has a very high number as well so look up the facts before posting an ignorant comment. The fact that some Arab countries are not willing to accept refugees does not justify the ridiculous nature of Europe not being able to deal with 10 times less then even Turkey is able to accommodate.
3) Isis being initially funded by the West, I am not even going to discuss it, since even the US is not denying this fact. Just look up AbuBakir Al-Baghdadi's pictures with McCain for reference.
Migrants in Hungary 52 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
You know that they can not necessarily just eat what they are given right? For instance pork or any animal by product which is not slaughtered properly. And if you keep people in inhumane conditions for prolonged time they will probably not have the courtesy of throwing their trash into the bins. Have you ever seen the aftermath of any concert, music festival etc? It is much worse than this.
Do not forget these people are running from an evil that the west has initially created and financed. You are afraid of just a handful of ISIS militants coming to your own backyard, while these people had their homes and lives ruined by them. So before commenting with your racist bullshit just think for a second about what they have been through and who had a huge contribution to this. The real pictures to be seen by everyone are of the Hungarian "woman reporter" kicking helpless refugees or little Aylan drowned and washed ashore at 3 years of age. Believe me we are in no way better than them.
true art. 23 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Put a template paper and sprinkle cacao, how is this art?
Never forget this point of view 15 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
To those who are unable to read it, it says and I am quoting " Therereth areera twoowt sideedis toot everyyreve storyyrots". I hope this helped.
Why does the human body do this? 6 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
There is a research about why this is. It is quite interesting. Look it up
Real loud 46 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
I one hundred twenty four q?
Billionaire farts into microphone 2 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
My hero
Supporting mom and dad 3 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
This is awesome of him. Respect!
Education in other parts of the world 13 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Foreigners pay for studies in Denmark since 2006 or so. And do not qualify for financial assistance. Fact check please.
How I look in the mirror Vs. How I look on camera 5 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
You know this is a scientifically proven effect. Your brain distorts the image on the mirror to ease out imperfections so that you look much more attractive to yourself. It cannot do that with the camera thus the image you see there is closer to what you actually look like in real life. Look it up, it is quite interesting. Oh by the way you're brain does exactly the same to your voice, i.e. Makes you perceive it as more masculine for guys and more feminine for ladies.
The wrath of photoshop 20 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
That is pretty amazing result for a single week.
A Lesson On Humanity, Via Preschoolers.... 26 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
Putting aside what ever I think about the subject matter, isn't it a bit hypocritical if you are basically doing the same thing that they have done to you. I.e. Shaming them online instead of 1:1? You have found a group of people who support what you are saying, and you are collectively bashing another group of individuals who don't think alike; claiming they are wrong/bad etc. Just saying.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Reexamination of a glass ring discovered in a 9th century Viking grave 10 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago
It is in Arabic that was kind of the point...
Problem Electricity? 6 comments
mcyurdal · 9 years ago