

Meatball2012 Report User
Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
So we can't always believe people who claim to be raped however terribly awful that sounds because in no way do I support rapists and I believe they should be imprisoned for life if caught but there needs to be proof because I've seen lives ruined by false accusations.
Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
It wouldn't be the mother punished for the abortion, but rather the one performing the abortion. And I choose to follow the teachings of Christ, as his coming and great sacrifice made it so much of the old testsment is null. I made a mistake by calling it murder, but I believe it should be made illegal so that it can be classified as murder. If a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy I can support having it aborted but in no other circumstance can I support the termination of an innocent life due to convenience or irresponsible actions. You could argue that rape could also be a circumstance and that's a gray area for me, however my father was a police officer for over 30 years before he retired and worked at a high school. There were 3 cases in his 10 years working there where a girl falsely claimed she was raped by a boy and since there was no physical evidence they took her word for it. All 3 of those boys were innocent, all 3 of them went to jail, and their lives were ruined.
Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I'm sorry guest_ but I also disagree that there's no need to fight. I believe abortion is murder and needs to be made illegal. It would be like saying just because I don't murder someone it's ok for other people to. Again it's our own personal beliefs on whether or not it's murder but I think it is, and that it should be treated as such under the law and I will absolutely fight for that. And to Peachy, it's not my place to judge you, but God is quite clear that sex should remain within the confines of marriage, not just a relationship.
Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I'll politely disagree mickeymouse. My viewpoint comes from my Christian beliefs that sex should be within the confines of marriage. So I guess it could be a leisurely activity but regardless I believe it should not be a leisurely activity for those who are not married. It's an unpopular opinion and I'm ok with that I don't need everyone to agree with me.
Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You can get food poisoning from many foods you eat, plus eating is vital to living. If you have sex (which is not vital to us living as individuals) you should understand the risks that you could get pregnant regardless of what protection you use. If you don't want a child don't have sex. Our society has turned sex into a leisurely activity in a way, but it's sole purpose is to create children, so you shouldn't be having sex if you aren't ready for the responsibilities of a child
Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life 98 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I'd love to see a pro-life pregnant women come to wherever this is and make that lady shut up. Regardless of what you think, her argument just makes no sense and I don't understand why the left doesn't realize there's a large population of women who are pro-life. It's just a lame response to the man's poster
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Take notes, guys 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
There's nothing wrong with asking for a girls phone number, just don't be rude about it if she declines.
Twitter working for UK police now 47 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Free insult iS free speech. Unless you are threatening the other group or person physically and are going to bring harm to them it is your right to speak your beliefs however offensive or controversial it is and this is how tyranny begins when people can't say what they want and the government can punish them for their words.
Wasn't aware one could get arrested for doing a public service 10 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
People hate her so much because she's contributed nothing to this society other than making other women feel lesser about themselves by setting unnatural beauty standards and creating unnecessary drama and garbage reality tv. Plus the only reason she's famous is her father's court case with OJ and let's not forget her sex tape with Ray J.
McDonald's women's day 13 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
People can choose to work where they want you aren't being forced. It may not be the best conditions but everybody knows going into it that McDonalds is not a glamorous job.
McDonald's women's day 13 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
McDonalds shouldn't be a living wage. You're flipping burgers. I don't mean any disrespect to those who do, because somebody has to, but it's not a very skilled job and it shouldn't make you a lot of money. It's a job not a career.
How far can you go? 19 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
It's the distance they suck your dick not how far you suck theirs.
Good guy Jason Brown 10 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Good intentions, but why not take the offer, play the sport you love, and use the massive amounts of money afterwards to spread your reach even farther. You do you tho some people prefer a simpler life.
The irony was lost on Grandma 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I tried the game and scored 165
I’m still on my search for that 69% 21 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
My hero 13 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I hope you realize all these posts are jokes and it would be illegal for them to investigate every part of our personal life without probable cause.
Justice 3 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I hope the ticket was justified and wasn't for revenge, or he may have been right that you shouldn't be a cop.
good 45 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Again you still have to start somewhere. It does not matter if other people won't, you still should. The mentality of, nobody else will stop so i won't either, is how this problem gets out of control.
good 45 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Still gotta start somewhere. If enough people get it started they'll eventually listen.
These Gucci guys nowadays 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
You could save your money?
We must stay strong 9 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
The last one is a strap for a wii remote
Understand what you hate. 70 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Can you link the scientific study you're referring to?
Understand what you hate. 70 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Nobody mentioned anything about being gay, that's not the topic. Transgenders have the highest suicide rate by a long shot and gays are much lower in comparison.
Understand what you hate. 70 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
Thank you elaborating my point unklethan that's mostly what I was going for.
Understand what you hate. 70 comments
meatball2012 · 6 years ago
I said mental illness oR being a weak ass human. Don't pick and choose my words.