M. M.


— M. M. Report User
Gotta admit 5 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
They do, just not naturally hence ligers
Modern problem require modern solutions 2 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Everyone needs help!
Well damn b*tch 4 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
doctors who don't listen are such a risk to everyone!
Old gem I found 7 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
This is a very old meme, does anyone have where is he now life follow up?
What am I doing wrong? 19 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
I want to fix a notion here, you can have something called situational depression. You said "if you are depressed and your life also sucks, then it's possible you aren't actually depressed." That makes no sense, and maybe needs clarification. Were you trying to say if you are depressed and your life sucks then you may have a different type of depression? Also if say the bad situation persists long term you still may require the same treatment. It doesn't matter as much the why always, but getting that person to a livable emotional state. What is possible is reducing treatment if you recover from a situation.
Diet and exercise are fake news 6 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Reminder this can be a false and inaccurate mentality. Don't get me wrong, diet and exercise can cure some and improve a multitude of aliments. There are reasons however medication exists. You can not cure asthma with exercise, you can improve lung function but you should always carry an inhaler. Olympians have died from asthma. You can't exercise away a peanut allergy, cancer, endometriosis, being bipolar, a broken arm, arthritis, ect. From the chronically ill community, even though its a joke and specifying Americans, while some portion of the world will get ill from choices, please remember compassion first. Also remember half of doctors are the bottom half lol. Be your own patient advocate if you have a health issues.
Taal volcano, Philippines - January 12, 2020 2 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Any one else see a warthog?
La Terra è un paradiso , l'inferno è non accorgersene . 2 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Life as paradise would be a privilege or ignorance
Tv shows causes violence 8 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
As someone w asthma, I feel called out.
People actually do that ???? 10 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Another insight, its possible he could have had an eating disorder in the past. Alot of them end up with an unhealthy relationship with food. As an extension of this they are taught to view it as fuel for their body.
Too peoplely 8 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
I wish there was a main stream app from actually making friends like there is for dating.
Madlass angers her entire fan base 3 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
You can end up missing vital nutrition, that being said a sudden dietary change can be difficult on your gi. So, I doubt she went 0-100. I also doubt this is real at all but I am commenting anyway.
People in the UK being quizzed on price of healthcare in the US 12 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Right, like glasses go from 600$ to 60$
Now they can lock eyes with you as they mow you down and assert their robotic dominance 2 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
I think the elderly should have to retake a modified version of driving exams. Kind of like a physical. Vision, hearing, and awareness. It would bring about simple solutions that will prevent them form accidents. Ie. You need to wear driving glasses, have a booster seat, hearing aids, while operating.
Apples to apples 2 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
If you have female organs and have monthly intense pain, turns out that its not normal! Disease such as endometriosis can often only be seen by surgery or sometimes mri. It effects 1/10 women. For anyone out there suffering, look into it and dont give up!
This sums up me on a whole new lvl 5 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
The war on vegans continues 2 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
I mean the more tasty food in the world the better. However, that looks like a messed up sausage. In addition, some people can't eat meat for their health its not a choice, some like my aunt grew up across from a butcher shop and morally can't. Substitutes that provide nutrition and don't come from animal suffering is not a bad thing to pursue! This is probably a fake anyway but I stand by the point!
I hope This day never comes 4 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Ever heard of going postal? Often jobs are how people provide, people can get emotional losing that. It is especially dangerous if they were fired for threatening violence or drugs ect.
Great Great Grandmother shares birthday 99 years apart 3 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
It averages out to every 20 years. Which isn't horrible especially if say the greats and grands had them younger and the more recent had her in later 20's.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 2 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
She may be a keeper but shes still only a B ;)
Touché 10 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
This would then move blame to the local chain or storage facility, proving not pepsi liable.
It's easy now! 2 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Also excision: they are removing something Ablation: they are burning something
F   1 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
easy solution, she becomes girlfriend he becomes daddy. (hate that term but for the joke it works.)
Respect 1 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Nah, then you don't even take human meat
· Edited 5 years ago
Depression 19 comments
melisa62943 · 5 years ago
Reminds me of losing the will to live, when you're not against it just no energy to fight the tide.