Inside a children’s school in North Korea 1 comments
· 5 weeks ago
Looks more like Squid Games.
I'm with the boomers on this one 1 comments
Chicken! 5 comments
Is true 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Oh, and "attempt at humor" was made. It was almost there except the lazy hate on Americans.
I’ve been to almost all of them 13 comments
· 2 years ago
17! The thing about a lot of Californians especially in the Bay Area and LA - so many have only travelled locally or maybe to Mexico. They have everything they need within 50 miles so why go somewhere else? Not to say is good, but accurate too often.
A cost of war 2 comments
Most kissed face of all time 6 comments
How I sleep, knowing I won't hear from him for another week 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Way to rise to the challenge - not cool. Glad you paid for college to learn how to be an anarchist.
How I sleep, knowing I won't hear from him for another week 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Way to rise to the challenge - not cool. Glad you paid for college to learn how to be an anarchist.
So proud - finally sold my first piece of artwork 3 comments
· 4 years ago
As an Electrical Engineer, I approve! This is what 2 AM looks like studying for Circuit Theory class. Do you have any social media or Etsy?