I can't unseen this. 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Looks like some major tongue action there
Ma'am, please slow down. 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I pull my dog away simply because I don't want them touching or invading the space of someone who doesn't want to pet the dog. It is a courtesy to others, not because you aren't welcome to pet my dog (if you ask). Not all people like dogs. I have an aunt who absolutely hates having cold dog noses touch her legs. I believe it is the owner's responsibility to keep their pet away from people unless that person initiates the contact.
Not the typical suits 13 comments
Petting zones 5 comments
· 7 years ago
The horse diagram is totally off. Horses LOVE their butts scratched (I have a horse who will follow you backwards to get a butt scratch). They also love their withers (bump between back and mane) and their chests scratched. No issues touching their legs or tails either.
The more you know 17 comments
The more you know 17 comments
My Childhood's Favorite Book Had A Geek Illustrator 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Of course we know that. We just weren't watching Doctor Who when we were two; we were reading this book instead
My Childhood's Favorite Book Had A Geek Illustrator 16 comments
· 8 years ago
I saw this same thing a couple of months ago! So then I spent hours looking through the book for other Doctor references.
Makes sense 3 comments
· 8 years ago
What if people having near-death experiences and coming back to life is because the baby was stillborn?
I am amoosed 25 comments
· 8 years ago
I think I have to start by saying I am NOT a vegan--I am a rancher who loves a delicious cheeseburger...however, cattle are killed to make cheese. In order to produce milk, cows must give birth. The cow that gives the milk for the cheese isn't killed, but all of her male offspring are. The females are raised to become milk producers themselves, but the males are killed immediately upon birth. Dairy cows aren't bred to put on weight quickly like beef cattle, and it is not cost-efficient to raise the males for meat. I live near a dairy, and they have a truck come by a few times a week in order to pick up all the newborn carcasses. The females are a bit luckier because they are allowed to live, but they are immediately taken from their mothers and raised on formula.