HI MOM HOW ARE YOU (thanks for the idea sero) 35 comments
· 8 years ago
as someone with a phobia of balloons this looks like hell, adorable hell.
thought this was cool 42 comments
· 8 years ago
You think this is "shutting me up" you don't even know the meaning of the word burn. Love how MRAs are all about us providing evidence when its already out there. But I guess that's it, you don't want to make the effort to learn about something that isnt directly about you. Im not going to spoon feed you like the babies you are. How about you show me some evidence how rape culture isnt in western society. How about you take any news headline ...infact how about the recent issue with the captain of the Yale basketball team and prove to me how him raping a student then the university's cover up isnt a sign of rape culture in the west. How insecure do you have to be to post your IQ, you doknow an IQ test isnt indicative of intellect or how intelligent you are? Infact many people with poor interpersonal skills, underdeveloped intellectual and cognitive skills can have incredible high IQs...which is definitely on show by the way you "masterminds" have approached this post.
thought this was cool 42 comments
· 8 years ago
it is obvious, maybe your just too obtuse to notice. Also i'm a feminist....by calling me a feminazi you just prove how ignorant you are, how does it feel to be deliberately stupid?
thought this was cool 42 comments
· 8 years ago
so because it dosent affect you it isnt there? do some basic research you'll easily find it.
thought this was cool 42 comments
· 8 years ago
Really? it has nothing to do with the west? How about 11 year old girls being told they were "too seductive" in court for molestation and rape cases? Or the thousands of women reporting rape on college campuses being told they shouldn't have been drunk/ wearing what they were/alone? Or the recent famous MRA whose main stance was "rape should be legal on your own property" who has millions of followers in Australia and America. Women are treated as property in western culture daily. Just because its not as overt dosent mean its not there. Your idea of what constitutes a rape culture is incorrect and dismissive to all the hundreds of thousands of women who are living with their abuse and rape in silence because western culture demeans and devalues their word. Rape culture is alive and rampant in the west....don't delude yourself and dont deny others their voice.
There we go 51 comments
· 9 years ago
No you say this as a patronising lemming. Anyway how do you know i'm not special? You seem to be reading a lot into something I literally never said. Looks like someone's projecting. And I say this, as someone who knows the brilliance and insignificance of being a human, there is racism out there, its hugely impacts on the very shape of people of different race and colours lives and you are being an asshole to minimize their struggle as if they are just having a pity party.
feminism again 36 comments
· 9 years ago
nah i was on holidays, too busy having fun, back at work now tho, I only engage when im seriously bored out of skull, but you're literally boring me more than work so yeah, back to the spreadsheets, they have far more to offer.
feminism again 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Weak man, very weak come back. If you're going to tote yourself as a troll than brush up on it.
There we go 51 comments
· 9 years ago
at what point was i whining about my life you patronising baby. Talk about self absorption, my last statement was written entirely from a subjective point of view, you chose to take it as an assertion of my superiority. No I don't know your life and you don't know mine, for all you know I could be a holocaust survivor or a refugee from Darfur there for telling me or anyone to "get over it" its pretty self centred, and my life experience might also mean I have the perfect right to weigh in on this topic. But that's the internet for you....
feminism again 36 comments
· 9 years ago
^yes your the magical truth seer showing us the way. Tell me more about those feminist harpies while we make foil hats in the safety dungeon.
There we go 51 comments
· 9 years ago
you can say stuff but don't act like you're the definitive word on a subject if you have no experience of having lived it. This has nothing to do with equality it has everything to do with entitlement. Your opinion is based from no actual experience, so you can have your opinion but it isn't that valid....
feminism again 36 comments
· 9 years ago
by laughing in RL do you mean you laugh at your on posts here? alxx is right dude, your sad, if you think this is entertaining.....thats just...wow.....sorry man.
There we go 51 comments
· 9 years ago
And there you go, you guys have no idea how easy you do have it because your white. You gripe about these issues and say its no big deal and the reason you can say this...because your white. Your entitlements and status due to your skin colour shelter you from the everyday jabs and social conditioning that is in a person of colours everyday life. its easy to single out aspects which seem like people of colour have the benefit but its not one single issue people or colour deal with its a whole malay of them, daily, constantly, subversively. You can sit here an have this wonderfully removed conversation because you dont live it...then you pat yourselves on the back about it.....
There we go 51 comments
· 9 years ago
i said "i feel like". the comments being made reek of entitlement and a sheltered life.
There we go 51 comments
· 9 years ago
I feel like everyone in this post saying "big deal" is probably a white dude, it must be so nice not to have lasting and awful connotations to have to deal with in the country you live in. You're all so lucky you can move and act so comfortably in society, pitty its not like that for everyone.........
There we go 51 comments
· 9 years ago
ffs all you people screaming freedom of speech, how about you actually look up what that means. Freedom of speech means you are allowed to say what you want unless it's slanderous, defamatory or can incite violence among other restrictions. This flag and its connotations and the people choosing to parade it are inciting racism and national divide, this is not freedom of speech, this is hate speech and deserves no regard. As for the nazi flag, anyone inciting freedom of speech for this or in anyway condoning its presence is either a troll or a moron, both of which need a good kick in the ass.
I'm the champion 14 comments
I dont know how to feel about this 13 comments
· 9 years ago
i didn't come off them suddenly, i was weaned off them over time with my doctor's advice. But yeah don't do drugs and antidepressants, it's a bad time for all.