Oh Tumblr... 6 comments
· 11 years ago
That's not a censor bar, it's a hole punched through the card.
Why fingers get all wrinkled underwater 11 comments
Find* what's wrong with this picture 104 comments
Release the quacken 18 comments
Release the quacken 18 comments
Release the quacken 18 comments
Release the quacken 18 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm trying and failing to come up with a better pun than the title. It's getting me down.
Find* what's wrong with this picture 104 comments
· 11 years ago
You obviously don't understand science, but that's probably because you're secretly a moon-person trying to mess with our understanding of your gravity-free land. You don't want us to take all your antigravity, admit it.
Find* what's wrong with this picture 104 comments
· 11 years ago
The shadows are all wrong. Light acts differently in a no-gravity area like the moon.
How to cut a pizza 7 comments
90s kids fun 41 comments
· 11 years ago
That's because this 90s kid meme is stupid. It's not like the see-through phone was something unique to the 90s. It's not like no one passed notes. Pokemon cards are a 90s thing, but they're also here in 2013. You guys are all dumb.
Different hair cuts 6 comments
Just friends... 2 comments
The titanic's cellist 11 comments
Some men just want to watch america burn 9 comments