Which one has more value? 25 comments
· 7 years ago
It's costs 4.9 cents to make a $1 bill, valuing the $1 infinite at "$0.951 X n". A $50 bill costs 10.5 cents to make, valuing the infinite $50 at "49.995 X n". So technically the infinite $50 would be "valued" higher, as long as we imagine n would always be increasing at the same rate.
This is not real... This is a Skyrim Mod 4 comments
· 9 years ago
good god. What kind of graphics card is needed to run that through actual game play?
Best way to hide ugly tv cables 9 comments
Holy crap! 16 comments
· 9 years ago
fun fact: that is actually one sign of a healthy mind, hearing your own name when no one calls out.
The water challenge 20 comments
It would be fair 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I saw something the other day about people on welfare having to do community service to keep their welfare checks
Designers will know the struggle 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I have this awesome gamer mouse I can set the sensitivity to make it go across the screen or not much at all. I don't have this problem anymore...
Good guy big ass truck driver 16 comments
· 9 years ago
most truck drivers park like assholes because the turning radius of the truck makes it difficult to park properly without spending extra time
Have my bank pin 15 comments
Denmark people are happy 32 comments
Nobody messes with this man 13 comments
Which kills? The current or voltage? 8 comments
· 10 years ago
As a 4th generation electrician I can say it is most definitely amps. No one ever said "it only takes ???? Volts to kill you, careful" no everyone says " it can take a 10th of an amp to kill someone". then you are talking about voltage in alternating current and direct current. Voltage in direct current might kill( I don't think so (But it might be possible). However the average person won't encounter more than 24v in any given day. whereas power lines run at an enormously high voltage.
"It's because you're basic, Lois." 6 comments
At least I can see out of one eye 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I have metal frames, So the nose piece always gets messed up. Daily struggle is right. DX