
Just sharing stuff I find online with you guys.

— M Report User
Apparently hitchc*ck was right 17 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
The wizard version of send to all
· Edited 8 years ago
Awww...it's so cuMOTHERF..... 11 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
I'll bring the beers
lady at work showed me this and really thinks it's heaven 9 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
His special place?
Apparently hitchc*ck was right 17 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Well someone f*ed up
Free bill! 2 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago 4
Lettuce club 6 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
The invite should start with "Lettuce all meet..."
Apparently hitchc*ck was right 17 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
If owls bring Hogwarts acceptance letters, what the hell do these guys bring?
She chose the wrong place to take a nap 8 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
*ukelele starts playing*
He could be the next Scumbag Steve 14 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Asshole Aaron
anyone from EU? 11 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Who could say no to lollipop 7 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Drinking tap water 78 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
I don't know, can you?
19021% accurate! 3 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
My mom used to come into my room open all the widows so it would be cold and then take my covers and leave the room with them. I usually assumed a highly compact foetal position and try to cover myself with the pillows. It was horrible, but it worked for a while. That is until she started letting the cat in my room. And let me tell you, that little motherfucker would sit in the middle of the goddamn room staring at you while meowing like there was no tomorrow. Not wanting to give up the sweetest last minutes of sleep i would throw pillows at that little fucker until i was left there cold and bitter, without covers or pillows, and a screaming psycho who feasted upon my misfortune. That is when i would usually got up and started my day.
Damn! I sure miss my cat :(
WMD 4 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago 3
Shot in the back 23 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Florida Kid...every hero needs a sidekick
The three deloreans 5 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
The natural state of our Universe 9 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
You are just asking for a "your mom" joke
They call it art 24 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Obviously you do not know who Banksy is
Is this a win or fail? 27 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Every rose has its thorn - Poison
A little dark humor 9 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Sounds like a pokemon
What these actors will always be remembered as 30 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Harry Potter and Frodo?
I don't know what they expect 25 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
That moment when you read the comments and you feel old as shit
This guy is invincible 14 comments
mirceag · 8 years ago
Hang him