I'm an 18 year old girl living in the USA. I love to write.
— MissRaven Report User
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
Saying that they would be /adopting/ a heterosexual identity means that they didn't already have one. Accepting homosexuality means that they are accepting something that they /have/. You didn't say to adopt a homosexual identity, or to ignore a heterosexual one. It is abusive to tell someone, homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, or anything else, that they are wrong. If they were catering only to our base urges, they'd say "yes SCREW EVERYONE~". No one says that, if they do, they're just as wrong as anyone else. LGBT activists are all about acceptance. They don't tell people to go get a boyfriend, they just tell people not to feel pressured into pretending to be something they're not. I have never seen, nor have I ever said, that everyone needs to go screw someone they're attracted to. I have said that if you do, there's nothing wrong with that (supposing both parties are legal consenting adults ;) ). I don't support ignorance, and I don't support acting without thought. I do support
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
You might not define someone by having a mental disorder, but you also wouldn't tell them to pretend they didn't have it. It is /part/ of who they are, just as homosexuality is. You wouldn't tell someone with ADD to just pretend they didn't have it. You wouldn't try to tell them that acting ADD is wrong, because they /are/ ADD. No, having ADD is not the defining point of who they are, but that doesn't mean it isn't part of them.
Fun fact: it might be because encouraging someone to try to change part of them that they can't help /is/ abusive, whether it's homosexual or heterosexual. Suppressing part of them they didn't choose has driven people to suicide because they find themselves so terrible and they can't do /anything/ to change it.
Fun fact: it might be because encouraging someone to try to change part of them that they can't help /is/ abusive, whether it's homosexual or heterosexual. Suppressing part of them they didn't choose has driven people to suicide because they find themselves so terrible and they can't do /anything/ to change it.
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
they aren't attracted to, and that's a large part of the human life cycle. Telling someone that they can't have that simply because their body made chemicals for a person of the same gender rather than the opposite doesn't make sense to me.
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
It isn't just about physical attraction. If physical attraction is the only part of your relationship, then I think you either need to cut it off or get counseling. It's about finding someone who makes you happy, a life partner, and just because someone decides they would like their life partner to be female rather than male, or vice versa, doesn't mean they're denying any part of their body. Yes, male and female exist, for the purpose of reproduction. If you're not doing that anyway, I don't see why it matters.
Secondly, I think you have a couple contrasting points since you claim that LGBT wants us to abandon our physiology, and yet you don't think those things should define us? I don't want to put words into your mouth, so I won't say what I assume you meant by that.
However, my physical body craves food, and I'm not about to deny it. No, sex is not that important, but physical attraction isn't something anyone can turn off, they can't just have a happy partnership with someone
Secondly, I think you have a couple contrasting points since you claim that LGBT wants us to abandon our physiology, and yet you don't think those things should define us? I don't want to put words into your mouth, so I won't say what I assume you meant by that.
However, my physical body craves food, and I'm not about to deny it. No, sex is not that important, but physical attraction isn't something anyone can turn off, they can't just have a happy partnership with someone
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
I think it's far worse to say that as long as they deny a part of who they are you like them rather than to just say you dislike gays. Why is a straight person any more right to have a loving relationship than a gay one? If you wanna say "I don't support sex without the intent to have kids" fine, but at least that includes people who use condoms, or whatever, rather than just gays. Marriage is the same - if you think marriage is only useful to signify two people who are having biological children together, then fine, be against gay marriage, but otherwise it seems a little hypocritical.
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm trying to talk to you, as you seem to understand. How are they a danger to society?
legend 36 comments
· 10 years ago
The entire second post of your response makes no sense to me whatsoever. As for the first, if it's my mistake to not accept child molesters, then that's a mistake I will gladly make, because doing that to a child, in my books, is not something that can ever be washed clean. I was molested for seven /years/ by the same religious man, and frankly, if him repenting can get him into heaven, quite honestly, I don't want to be there, no matter how much he "changed". Because if there is something so wrong with you that you will do those things, that you enjoy it, I don't think anything changes but your desire to be accepted into society.
I don't support the idea of repentance because I know so many people who (and I know this isn't how it works) will do something and then just go 'eh, I can repent', like that washes away any wrong they've done. Those people won't go to heaven, but the fact that they will keep doing it isn't okay with me.
I don't support the idea of repentance because I know so many people who (and I know this isn't how it works) will do something and then just go 'eh, I can repent', like that washes away any wrong they've done. Those people won't go to heaven, but the fact that they will keep doing it isn't okay with me.
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
Like not-so-me, I'm confused as to how gay people in general, let alone gay marriage, might harm society.
For bookworms out there, choose your chair 36 comments
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
Anyone else? 17 comments
Gets me every single time!! 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I've seen this /eleven times before/ and I'm still laughing so hard I'm crying.
/b/ isn't just for m*sturbating, its also for mathturbating 20 comments
· 10 years ago
No, but seriously, I'm pretty sure he's freaking out about the fact that /they don't use condoms/ meaning, if she had unprotected sex with half those guys, he probably has /multiple/ STDs. What should he do about the fact that he might have AIDs, not whether or not he should rape the girl.
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
There's a rational way to say "You living your life the way you want to makes me uncomfortable, so I insist on trying to stop you"? Unless they're harassing someone or hurting someone, I don't see how that's rational. If you don't like it because they /are/ harassing you, then that is a distaste for being harassed, not distaste of all gay people.
as for the guest... they said homophobes say that, not that everyone who is against homosexuality is a homophobe, but at any rate... Uh, I kind of disagree. Until people stop protesting gay marriages (which, by the way, doesn't interfere in their life), it's absolutely the fault of people against equal rights.
as for the guest... they said homophobes say that, not that everyone who is against homosexuality is a homophobe, but at any rate... Uh, I kind of disagree. Until people stop protesting gay marriages (which, by the way, doesn't interfere in their life), it's absolutely the fault of people against equal rights.
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
· 10 years ago
Some things take effort. No, I'm not saying we should stop there and call it good, but steps in the right direction /are/ little successes. No, it's not the whole thing, and no that's not the end, but you can't just say someone is doing a /terrible job/ when they're moving in the right direction. It's not like Obama gets to say "here, everyone, have a job!" Unlike a monarchy, in our country, he has to okay these things with people, and other people have to approve what he does.
legend 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Just because you say sorry doesn't make everything you've done go away. There are still marks, and I believe that anyone who does that to a child is going to hell regardless of how sorry they are, because them repenting doesn't make it easier for those children to trust people or to have a functioning relationship. If you extinguish someone's whole life, you take away all of their chances, firsts and seconds, and that means you take away your second chance as well. You can get good soul points for good behavior, but that doesn't mean you get to go dine with Jesus when you've done that much bad.
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
· 10 years ago
8 of us think it's a heck of a lot better than it was, and than what anyone else has been doing.
Not really a cat person 15 comments
· 10 years ago
My cat hissed and attacked my grandpa's hand when he came in my room at night. She growled until he left. She's also cuddles whenever I'm sad and when I was suicidal when I was younger, she could always tell when I had a bad day and would come cheer me up. Meanwhile, my dog barks at leaves, and growls at every dog that passes the house.
Here we go. 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I feel like that's been changing recently, but I agree, cops are far too able to do whatever they want and get away with it nowadays.
whoop there it is 14 comments
· 10 years ago
As long as they're respectful anyway! It's never a compliment to be pushily hit on, but it always is to be respectfully flirted with C:
whoop there it is 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm too oblivious to notice except when it's me being hit on and uncomfortable.