Concerned moms against anime 50 comments
· 8 years ago
hahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha oh yeah! sure! that'll stop me hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahaaha this sounds like something i would do as a joke bwahahahaha omfg!! hahaha
I would pay to see that 47 comments
· 8 years ago
YAS omg theyre all my favorites!! right now im really into criminal minds (watching it RN) and Spencer is my FaVoRiTe!!!
Shut up and save my money 15 comments
Am I doing it right? 49 comments
· 8 years ago
im fucking gay and im fucking proud! wanna know why?? cuz i put up with a bunch of shit my whole entire life im proud to still be here and proud to be different and be able to not pay attention to the assholes in life. tommorrow night i'll be proposing to my amazing girlfriend.
Who's guilty here? 18 comments
· 8 years ago
the husband i think, she could have just had a dream of her cheating. it could have been an alternate her, the dream couldve been if she did something different and that changed the course of her life. but the husband woke up and got scared so jumped out the window. on the other hand, she couldv been guilty and was having a dream of a guilty concious and woke up scared, and he couldve acted irrationally and just played along to it without really thinking....
This is actually really uplifting 18 comments
· 8 years ago
awe this is so nice, i dont even believe in God (i have no means to offend anyone who does) but this is so sweet
Faith in humanity lost again 17 comments
· 8 years ago
one hand= 5 two hands together= 10 three hands together= 15 fingers... or am i missing something?
one hand= 5 two hands together= 10 three hands together= 15 fingers... or am i missing something?
2015 to go 10 comments