

— MissUnknown Report User
Born to feel 7 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
So true 16 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Perfect book idea 46 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Definitely not replacing her" she says while handing me her necklace. "B-but.." I barely mangled to whisper the last part "wait" my friends look at me "oh my god, Harmony...I'm so sorry" Katie says "I-I think I love her.." Chloe loses it "of course you love her! She's your damn soulmate! You two were supposed to fall in love! And grow old together! Screw her!" I feel tears welling up in my eyes "p-please don't shout, i-it's not her fault" I sniffle "I'm allowed to love who I want, but so is she.." The tears forming dry up. I can't cry, and I just stand there, feeling my heart breaking into little pieces. Shattering completely. She didn't give me a second look. I put her necklace on and pieced it together with mine.
Hi, so I know this was posted two years ago, but I was in random so I had to, bye hope you liked it.
Perfect book idea 46 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
"We're walking around!" Demands Katie. I groan as she grabs my wrist and starts walking. "Getting any warmer?" Chloe asks "y-" I see a girl, she very pretty, at least I think..she was looking at the bookshelf facing away from us. Katie gasps "is that her? Your soulmate!" "Hush!" I hiss. The girl turns around and sees me, me and my friends are all frozen, Katie is still holding onto my wrist. 'I was right, she is very pretty, and just my type too' black hair, blue eyes, long black hair I should mention, and her clothes just about average, black skirt, Dave Strider shirt. I think i love her 'I better love her, or this would be awkward' "hi" she says "I'm Samara" I smile "u-uh..um..h-hi" I said. 'I am mentally face palming' I think "I-I'm Harmony" I say "she's pretty shy, but really nice!" Says Katie. "Hey!" I say embarrassed. "Well I guess we're soul mates" I blush "yeah..I guess. Then she takes her necklace off and hands it to me "well, keep this, I love someone else, and you're-
Perfect book idea 46 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
As the necklace seems to be burning on my chest, I can hear my friends voices say how great and fun and exciting this is. But I'm terrified 'what if she doesn't love me?' I think to myself 'what if she's not a lesbian, or bisexual, so she won't like me?' Then more panic rises 'what if it's a boy?' I'm completely terrified of boys. I don't know why. I'm shaking and close to running out of the room, and never meet my soulmate. I'm in a bookstore 'of course I am, when am I not?' I ask myself, I always go to it after school. Then I think about it, someone else in this bookstore has their necklace burning, just like mine, 'they're probably just as scared as I am' I think. I hear some running coming near me, I look over "hey! I've been looking for you!" It's my friend Amanda, and the rest of my friends follow her. "Soooo, let's walk around, see if we meet him or her!" Says Katie "no" I hiss "I just want a book, that's all. Not a soulmate" my friends don't buy it, I don't even buy it.
Stupid joke went terribly wrong 13 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
I am Cas
Real men don't cry 10 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
This may been two years ago (I'm on random) But burn. Burn bro. Burnnn
So true 16 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
But not a movie :( 15 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Do we really need titles? 18 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
What is going on
Smooth as sandpaper 9 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
No....but that's my friends name, but it's spelled Hanna
Smooth as sandpaper 9 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Literally me
Im a pacifist! 9 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
That sounds like something I would do lol.
Im a pacifist! 9 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
I ship it
So true 16 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
So true 16 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Oh okay. Sorry for the misunderstanding
So true 16 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Ohhh well I am so sorry. For I am new, so I have not seen it, and I had no idea that you grabbed his ass and called him sexy, but if you have a problem with the comic, please take it up with Sara Anderson (the woman who made it) and to be fair, I haven't come across many guys who do that, but when I do, I'm glad. Not most guy will do it.
what you need now 10 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
"Instant boobs!" IM LAUGHING SO HARD
Do we really need titles? 18 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Oh. Okay. Go ahead then.
They see me rollin' 12 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Youth roll
Do we really need titles? 18 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Do we really need to make me suffer?
Do we really need titles? 18 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
I am regretting my title now
Im a pacifist! 9 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
I love RvB
New infinite loop Gif 7 comments
missunknown · 9 years ago
Guys, omg, if you watch till the end it'll show something!!!!