Warning: crazy, pro-gay rights activist, bad humor, doesn't know when to shut it and give up. A good friend when you get to know better.— Mizu Report User
Do you feel lucky? 7 comments
· 10 years ago
If you have the booty, just bump it with that. Works everytime.
This ;_; 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Didn't Disney have some nazi related cartoons? I remember I seen a few online.
6000 year old kiss. Iran 15 comments
· 10 years ago
That or one was shot and the other was buried alive.... Depressingly and quite dark, but romantic in some small ways.
Nuff said. 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank you. I thought the opposite fandoms add some humor also I used to date a person who was in the opposite fandom, it was fun fighting.
Suarez the zombie footballer at it again 2 comments
Instant car moustache 7 comments
Dad is at it again 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I guess the same reason kids post this stuff even when their parents have Facebook?
My Childhood has been brutally killed 8 comments
Meet masako mizutani 22 comments
Do the twister 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I may get downvoted to hell for this but, I don't see him as human. A human would care if their young fanbase was cutting themselves over something he didn't stop or try to help his fans stop. A role model or idol should use their power to help their fanbase grow into lovely ladies by setting good examples for them to like, ex: not fall for a douche like him but a sweet guy like he was but choose to throw out like a rotten spider infested egg!
At some point he was a good kid, he choose to go down a path that most inhuman people do, that's on him. He still has a chance to change but I fucken hope he does it soon and teaches these little girls attacking others, dating boys like him, or cutting themselves is wrong.
At some point he was a good kid, he choose to go down a path that most inhuman people do, that's on him. He still has a chance to change but I fucken hope he does it soon and teaches these little girls attacking others, dating boys like him, or cutting themselves is wrong.
;_; Dammit.. 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah he's alright for now, he hasn't shown signs but lately he's been afraid he might be showing signs again. I hope the doctor proves him wrong.
Worlds smallest woman 11 comments
If Disney villains were anime style 47 comments
;_; Dammit.. 22 comments
· 10 years ago
This hit home for me :( my dad had cancer before when I younger had to surgically remove many peices.
Who doesn't HATE Umbridge with a fiery passion? 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I watched that movie and internally screamed at the king not to send his baby with her! She's fucken evil no matter that form she takes.
State your first name, last name, and occupation 8 comments
· 10 years ago
The lizard man (I know he's from something else and not what I will mention) reminds me of a character from eternal eyes. He was this weird lizard costume lackey to the evil fucker.
Nuff said. 27 comments
· 10 years ago
The way I see it, we have people marrying for power, wealth, and for many wrong reasons. Preserving the sanctity of marriage is stupid because it has been ruined years ago, restoring the sanctity of marriage by allowing any couple to marry out of love seems like a better idea. When I say allow any couple I mean interracial, same sex, opposite sex, different religion, opposite fandoms, opposed political views, you guys get it.... It's just not the gays, it takes everyone to restore it. And if you think just because my comment about it's not all about the gays may be some way gay bashing I'm pansexual. Even I get tired of my gay rights speeches. This is a everyone gets their marriage rant.
When 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I think moral of the story is don't cheat. What if it wasn't a trap and she comes home and he's fucking her sister? That's horrible. Just don't cheat trap or no trap.
LOL 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Yahoo bought the rights to tumblr to make it family friendly. Now the users are pissed and this one user protested against this on the newspaper but their username is so innopropriate for a family based newspaper they could not show the source of the comment.
How to ask a girl out 20 comments
· 10 years ago
If you are desperate for a tampon and a guy does give you one and ask you out, marry him.
Trolling your ex at its finest 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I wish I did this to my ex instead of the total exact opposite.... >_> where were you post a week ago! DX
Facebook "Friends" 2 comments
· 10 years ago
That's the way I like it. No need to keep conversation up each time you get on.
Me as a Parent 6 comments
I failed... By giving my sword a name 3 comments
· 10 years ago
How to ruin a joke:
1. Find a joke.
2. Compare obvious joke to something different, shaming the joke.
1. Find a joke.
2. Compare obvious joke to something different, shaming the joke.