o mY GOSHNESS 8 comments
· 8 years ago
He wasn't there again today. I wish, I wish he'd go away.
Who likes sport here? 5 comments
Who Else Loves Sweatshirts And Boots 4 comments
· 8 years ago
It was almost 90 degrees here today and will be in the 60s tomorrow but then back up to 80 on Saturday. I can't wait until it finally stays cool consistently.
The best kitty 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I think it is a shortened form of puddy cat which some people say instead of pussy cat.
Most bizarre laws in america 24 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure no one enforces them. It is still down on the books that oral sex and sex before marriage is illegal. I don't think they care anymore. No, it is not common to have sex with bison. If it is, they are really good at keeping it secret.
Most bizarre laws in america 24 comments
· 8 years ago
In Oklahoma, it is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots, people who make “ugly faces” at dogs may be fined and/or jailed, it is illegal to take a bite of another person's hamburger, and a bar owner must not let anyone inside pretend to have sex with a bison.
Croc shoe holes 15 comments
· 8 years ago
There was something on the news saying these were making a comeback. Some designer is using them in their "high fashion" designs.
Edited 8 years ago
Most bizarre laws in america 24 comments
· 8 years ago
On the swimming pool one, are they maybe meaning riding them in empty ones or are they just really stupid?
I wouldn't mind a little bit of homework, but an hour or more per class is excessive 24 comments
· 8 years ago
My 6yr old has been begging for homework. I finally bought her a workbook and assign her pages to do everyday. Just wait until you get older little girl.
Unlikely simultaneous historical events 7 comments
· 8 years ago
One that I heard a lot was Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. are the same age.
I can't be the only one 15 comments
· 8 years ago
I can't even watch when I know something like that is going to happen. I look away and cover my ears.
Something cool you can do with your shoes 2 comments
· 8 years ago
I think this is really cool, but I would definitely choose a different color. It just looks like a dehydrated person pissed on your shoes.
One of the best feelings in the world is when you hold a new born baby 16 comments
· 8 years ago
First thing I had to do this morning was clean poop off of the floor. My son took his pull up off and pooped and then smeared it everywhere.
too accurate 23 comments
· 8 years ago
I have 3 adults and two small children in my household. If I even think of skipping a day of laundry, I won't be able to get into my laundry room.
When you want it you'll do anything for it 4 comments
How many remember this? 13 comments
I still think it's a good picture. 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I get it was a joke. She acts like she didn't want people to see it. I am just confused why someone (even jokingly) would submit a picture they are embarrassed of. I would have embraced it and been excited about it.
What would you add to this list? 34 comments