Seriously, you don't wanna catch 'em all 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Is that a challenge?
Clever girl 7 comments
· 8 years ago
In junior high, four girls put their hair in pony tails and then cut them off while at school. One girl cut hers really short and her mom got really pissed. She took her to get it fixed but it never looked right.
MAAAAARK ! Now my whole family is dead! 11 comments
· 8 years ago
One time our sewer pipe got clogged with tree roots and we had to wait a couple of days to get it fixed. We left if we needed to go number 2 but would still pee in it. It started to smell so I decided to pour bleach in it. It started fizzing and gave off an awful smell. It started coming up the tub drain too. It stunk up the whole house. We had to seal off the bathroom for a few days. So that's how I accidentally tried to kill my whole family.
He's Got His Bath Hat On 9 comments
This kid is a genius 8 comments
That is the best way to get a cat 9 comments
· 8 years ago
We got our cat because it kept coming in through a window. It would run when it seen us but has now become a loving pet. It pretty much lives indoors now. Sometimes they choose you.
Tryn to save a dollar 11 comments
· 8 years ago
My hubby's birthday is on Valentine's Day. I try to get stuff for both. I even get two seperate cards.
Street smart 9 comments
· 8 years ago
This happened at a KFC years ago. I belive the code was to order an extra biscuit.
I think this is important to remember 10 comments
A cut from an obsidian blade. The blade is so sharp it cuts on a cellular level. 56 comments
· 8 years ago
My son cut his forehead open and you could see his nerves and blood vessels and veins. It was so cool. There was blood everywhere but he acted like nothing even happened.
So cute 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually, babies have an extremely strong grip. It is part of the Palmer Reflex. Pound for pound, they are stronger, until they lose it at around 6 months.
I guess all women agree with this 29 comments
· 8 years ago
I sleep in mine. The only time it comes off is for showering or for adult times.
Nice little presents from Mr. Satan himself 39 comments
I guess all women agree with this 29 comments
Nice little presents from Mr. Satan himself 39 comments
· 8 years ago
What helped me was some medicated lip balm. I put that stuff on several times a day. It had some numbing medicine for pain and the balm protected it from being further irritated.
Nice little presents from Mr. Satan himself 39 comments
· 8 years ago
Ugh. I just got over one of these. The bastard was there for almost 2 weeks.
I found this while searching for cute Tumblr posts. I'm so confused. 13 comments
· 8 years ago
When I was little, my dad had a bottle of Dr. Pepper in his hand, and I asked for a drink. He said sure and handed it to me. IT WASN'T DR. PEPPER! IT WAS HIS DIP SPIT! It was so nasty. I wonder why we don't have a good relationship.
When you name your cat Bob but it's really a Bobbie. 9 comments
· 8 years ago
We had a cat named Mike that ended up being a Michelle. We just call her Mikey.
I'm so shocked by this 11 comments