teachers 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh my.. Im so stupid.. I thought the picture of "two teachers flirting" was on the wrinkles in Mr. Beans face.. I spent 10 minutes looking for it before i realised it..
I am a tomato 11 comments
· 10 years ago
you look at that and you tell me that isnt someone from japan. And btw there is japanese in the bottom right corner.
I am a tomato 11 comments
A real survivor 12 comments
· 10 years ago
It was salt water most likely, so it was undrinkable. Or he had the jug of water when he killed the shark at the beginning of his shipwrecked-ness and after it was gone he drank the birds blood.
Emma Watson topless 15 comments
A real survivor 12 comments
Who is the most prettiest girl today? 42 comments
If you had to choose one, which? 47 comments
In honor of the upcoming holidays 2 comments
· 10 years ago
^The poem for all those interested. It is long, but worth the read
^The poem for all those interested. It is long, but worth the read
All wrong 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I literally had this happen to me yesterday in science, we did our project completly wrong , the worse part is that the class and teacher got to ask you questions about it after and we had to defend ourselves without sounding stupid.
This guy 2 comments
Failed fist bump 6 comments
I love The Hunger Games xoxo 7 comments
Only thing not trying to kill Australians 6 comments
· 10 years ago
This is wrong, the Volcanoes aren't not trying to kill them, they too are afraid of everything in Australia.
Which Pokemon are you? 62 comments
What atheists cry out during sex 7 comments
If you find hair or a bug in your food 8 comments
· 10 years ago
The title says "if you find hair or a bug in your food" if you tell them you found a bug in it, I dont think he is going to taste it.
Who has these? 37 comments
· 10 years ago
this http://file.answcdn.com/answ-cld/image/upload/h_320,c_fill,g_face:center,q_60,f_jpg/v1401461483/j1xlgcmp0ccmsb33l3uo.png (It isnt me but its close)
Check yourself, before you wreck yourself.