I'm an asshole so get used to it but what makes me worse is, I'm an intelligent asshole
— [email protected] Report User
fandom *_* 10 comments
· 10 years ago
What what. What what. What what..
So my girlfriend just did this to me 11 comments
So my girlfriend just did this to me 11 comments
*tries to assclap* 19 comments
Don't you bullshit me Nintendo 11 comments
· 10 years ago
its not that theyre hating on you having a ds. theyre hating on you having a 2DS xP
Don't you bullshit me Nintendo 11 comments
· 10 years ago
To quote stewie from family guy
"Ok lady's lets face it, your best friends are not hot :)"
"Ok lady's lets face it, your best friends are not hot :)"
Caught in the act 21 comments
· 10 years ago
consequences to actions. and no. anyone that cheats doesnt deserve to be taken back. but as a man youd think hed know better
Caught in the act 21 comments
· 10 years ago
You're part of the douchebag section of men than. Hell anyone who thinks like that doesn't deserve to be called a man. They're a child. Grow up. They're both in the wrong. I'd beat his ass if I was the guy
Mother of Reese's... 17 comments
Caught in the act 21 comments
· 10 years ago
if hes her roomate id be willing to bet he knew she had a boyfriend. that is what we call a bitch nigga.
none of this bullshit "oh you didnt know man, its ok that you fucked my girlfriend." what kind of weak shit is that
none of this bullshit "oh you didnt know man, its ok that you fucked my girlfriend." what kind of weak shit is that
Rest in Peace Justin Winebrenner 79 comments
· 10 years ago
No one should have to expect to be shot. But being a cop you'd think he'd have been a little more on his gaurd
Rest in Peace Justin Winebrenner 79 comments
· 10 years ago
That's being ignorant to what I'm saying lmao. Being a pro boxer and wrestler is different than being a cop. Idiot
Rest in Peace Justin Winebrenner 79 comments
· 10 years ago
It shouldn't have to be said. There's obviously people who don't like cops and some people would go far enough to attack and or kill them. It's something that should just be known and make people at least somewhat cautious. A cop killing is just as wrong as a civilian killing. If it was an open and shut case proving him innocent than why did it take so long to get the verdict. People wouldn't be rioting. Sure some people would be angry but not to the point of rioting. Even then the rioting is also due to the different videos of police brutality
Rest in Peace Justin Winebrenner 79 comments
· 10 years ago
Believed he took appropriate action in shooting and killing the man instead of trying to subdue him. Which is just as bad as pleading innocent when it's obvious what happened. Take aplenty to think about all I've said. Let it process.
I'm the wrong person to argue with. It's not a smart idea
I'm the wrong person to argue with. It's not a smart idea
Rest in Peace Justin Winebrenner 79 comments
· 10 years ago
No matter what you say you can't change what I say and make it wrong. It's simple logic if you could understand it.
Cop- on duty OR off duty. They should know what they get themselves into. If the cop was smart he'd have been on his gaurd. It's tragic that he died but that's a possibility when it comes to the job. Died in the line of duty.
The guy that killed the cop and others- it's not the same case as a cop killing a civilian. A cop is supposed to keep order and protect people. Not kill them unless under appropriate circumstances. They should be trying to subdue the person instead of going for the kill. A civilian doing the killing isn't the same because while we should hope that they wouldn't hurt anyone. They in no way asked to be given a position of power or asked to protect civilians. While its not right for them to hurt people. They didn't take an oath to serve and protect and then turn their backs on it and kill someone. And the cop may not have plead guilty but he -
Cop- on duty OR off duty. They should know what they get themselves into. If the cop was smart he'd have been on his gaurd. It's tragic that he died but that's a possibility when it comes to the job. Died in the line of duty.
The guy that killed the cop and others- it's not the same case as a cop killing a civilian. A cop is supposed to keep order and protect people. Not kill them unless under appropriate circumstances. They should be trying to subdue the person instead of going for the kill. A civilian doing the killing isn't the same because while we should hope that they wouldn't hurt anyone. They in no way asked to be given a position of power or asked to protect civilians. While its not right for them to hurt people. They didn't take an oath to serve and protect and then turn their backs on it and kill someone. And the cop may not have plead guilty but he -
Rest in Peace Justin Winebrenner 79 comments
· 10 years ago
Again. It's part of the job discriptipn when you become a cop. Or at least it should be known that it could happen. When a police dies its seen as dieing in the line of duty. Not being murdered in cold blood