Dáil Éireann founds the Irish Republic Army 6 comments
· 4 years ago
IRA Road Insurance
Imminent negative Pheasant 9 comments
NYC Police officers' message in the newspaper 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Wait. I can piss in the street while drinking and screaming at the top of my lungs? Thank you NYC.
Ignorance is bliss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5 comments
· 4 years ago
A kid in Year 8 once threatened to throw my bag off the second story balcony. So I picked up the bag of another bullies and said "please don't throw my bag off the balcony!" And then let him yeet that sucker. The other bully came up the stairs just in time to see it happen and let loose on the guy who threw it.
Ignorance is bliss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5 comments
· 4 years ago
A kid in Year 8 once threatened to throw my bag off the second story balcony. So I picked up the bag of another bullies and said "please don't throw my bag off the balcony!" And then let him yeet that sucker. The other bully came up the stairs just in time to see it happen and let loose on the guy who threw it.
The art is a lie 24 comments
The barber has a degree in customer care 2 comments
Wifi 4 comments
· 4 years ago
I raise your 36 seconds with 17 seconds. I uploaded last minute because the required file type changed and I had to go online and change my essay from word to PDF. Most stressful 2 minutes of my life so far. It also meant that my essays file name ends in "-ZAMZAR-Converter-PDF"
Religion of futa 7 comments
· 4 years ago
The title should have been a giveaway. The people who googled it brought this upon themselves.
Srsly why are Spanish people so loud 2 comments
Investors love this one trick 35 comments
Investors love this one trick 35 comments
· 4 years ago
Wow, Americareally goes the distance when it comes to programming their kids to fear anywith the words communism or socialism attached. Communism is when the state controls everything and socialised healthcare isn't it, nor is it actual socialism. In theory socialised healthcare should use government tax money to help fund hospitals so that they don't charge you a hundred grand for cough drop. It will not "allow dem libs to control what vaccines ma kids get!" or "let the government tell me what goddamn insurance coverage I have!". Its purpose is to allow the people that live in "the land of the free" the access to the medical care that they need regardless of how much a hospital can gouge out of their wallet.