

— MrShadow Report User
Godless socialist Yoda is 2 comments
mrshadow · 2 years ago
You mean he teaches people to put their faith in a higher power and help others? Kinda like, y'know, Jesus? Star Wars is the greatest parable since the Pilgrims Progress. You've got your good, your evil, a Light Side, a Dark Side... The list goes on.
Easy guide for understanding Fate classes and their weapons 3 comments
mrshadow · 2 years ago
Lancer: sword on a stick
It dozen even matter 9 comments
mrshadow · 2 years ago
IT. Dozen. Koutetsu Shounen Heinrich. Matter.
Medussy hits different 4 comments
mrshadow · 2 years ago
To be fair a man has to try. Also, does anyone know what manga that Medusa is from?
Medussy hits different 4 comments
mrshadow · 2 years ago
To be fair a man has to try. Also, does anyone know what manga that Medusa is from?
Movies memes #3 1 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
RiRi Williams? Colonel James Rhodes? No?
I think this means you're he Santa Clause 3 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Imagine how disappointed the porch pirates are going to be when they realise they stole empty boxes.
I love stories like these 8 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
But riding a unicycle is a cool skill and crying over a baby fawn demonstrates that behind your cool exterior lies a kind and sensitive heart.Bitches eat that shit up.
I love stories like these 8 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
But riding a unicycle is a cool skill and crying over a baby fawn demonstrates that behind your cool exterior lies a kind and sensitive heart.Bitches eat that shit up.
Diamonds aren't forever if you're a millennial 7 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Did someone say "the price of diamonds is artificially inflated by cartels in Luxembourg"?
Diamonds aren't forever if you're a millennial 7 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Did someone say "the price of diamonds is artificially inflated by cartels in Luxembourg"?
Help me step-ship 3 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Ironically that's not a pornstar. It's the girl stuck in a washing machine meme from YouTube.
Look how they massacred EVERYTHING 7 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
I don't know. Miss Frizzle's younger sister is pretty good.
It was commonly known among the animators as “getting Shrek’d” 4 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
What do you mean "failing on Prince of Egypt"? It was great?
Wtf my winning word 3 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
How good are racial slurs in Scrabble? Like are there a lot of high point value to length slurs?
Welcome to the roster homeslice, enjoy your stay :) 3 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Wait Magnus is 14!?! He has to be at least 20 something.
What would you do with a drunken sailor 2 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
"And it's windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys
When the wind blows, we're all together, boys;
Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow
Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes"
What would you do with a drunken sailor 2 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
"And it's windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys
When the wind blows, we're all together, boys;
Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow
Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes"
Our marriage certificate is genuine @purplepumpkin 16 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Fun fact: the blending of two idioms (such as "a fool and his money is worth two in the bush") is known as a Malaphor.
It’s Clobberin’ Time 4 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Who's that? It's ever loving blue eyed Thing! The strongest character in Marvel.
It’s Clobberin’ Time 4 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Who's that? It's ever loving blue eyed Thing! The strongest character in Marvel.
They be like "God forgives" and then call you a sinner who will burn in the 4 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Christians should ever advocate. God loves everyone. Accept it or don't but do NOT tell people it's His will to hate ANYONE EVER.
They be like "God forgives" and then call you a sinner who will burn in the 4 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
"Love Thy Neighbour" and "Let he who is without Sin cast the first stone" weren't suggestions they were instructions. Everyone has heard the story of the Good Samaritan but they focus more on the Good part than the Samaritan part. A Jewish man was dying on the side of the road and it wasn't a member of the Church who saved him but a Samaritan. Samaritans fucking hated the Jews for calling them heathens and Jews hated them back for being heathens. Yet a Samaritan man was more willing to put aside his prejudice and persecution and extend a hand to help someone, whose people hated him, out of compassion and kindness more than a member of the religion that teaches you to love and forgive others. Draw what parallels you want between the member of the Church in that story and the "Burn in Hell" members of the Church today. It's too much to ask everyone to be the next coming of Jesus, set aside their grudges and sing Kumbaya but hating others has never and will never be something that Christi
Heroes that chose themselves 14 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
Less Po's more Tigress'
Impregnating lightning, very very frightening 2 comments
mrshadow · 3 years ago
That hairstyle is so generic hentai protagonist that I have no idea which one they're supposed to be.