Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but turned it down, stating: 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Just like Dumbledore being offered the Minister of Magic position
I’m a bit into science myself 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Under the assumption that the diameter is about 1 and a half inches you have a dick almost 18 inches long. That sounds like a load of shit.
I’m a bit into science myself 10 comments
Two weeks to slow the spread 13 comments
I mean yeah, good one actually. 6 comments
· 3 years ago
You should read BLACK by Kwanza Osajyefo. It answers the burning question "What if Black people had superpowers?".
Send in the adults 2 comments
Mine was November Rain 4 comments
· 3 years ago
"Google, what's that song that goes du du da da?"
"Do you mean Du Du-Da Da by Danny Keith?"
"Do you mean Du Du-Da Da by Danny Keith?"
I put a spell on you predictive text game 51 comments
What goes around 1 comments
· 3 years ago
"On my darkest day, when my life flashed before my eyes, you saved me. Now is the time for me to repay you."
Look girl, no judgement here, but... 9 comments
· 3 years ago
"I gave you a $20 and I still haven't gotten that dance. Thou shalt not steal young lady."
Satire is necessary 7 comments
It's 2021 and Twitter peeps are still being racist 15 comments
· 3 years ago
Where's the gender equality? There should be at least as many female mass shooters as male mass shooters. We need to pump those numbers up.
Self defense rush!!!!!! 16 comments
· 3 years ago
They disguise themselves as evil german robots so that they can sneak past Fred's evil parents to kill a living embodiment of cosmic horror that's possessing a parrot wearing a monocle. The episode was called "Gates of Gloom".
....Why god 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Legalise Marijuana. Why? Because if it becomes legal then big corporations would be all over it and the government would be able to tax the hell out of it for revenue. They'd no longer have reasons to fight against it. It would be like trying to bring back the Prohibition and banning alcohol. We can call it Operation Pothole and use the tax money from legalising weed to fix potholes in roads. Win win all round.
I never subscribed, was I missing out on anything? 7 comments
· 3 years ago
They were thinking the same thing Tumblr was thinking when Tumblr deleted most of its adult content. "What can I do to alienate my target market and ruin my customer base?"
Good news indeed 1 comments
· 3 years ago
That better be Lord Miles' Interpreter. Otherwise Miles is a dead man walking. The Internet already hates him enough for almost getting the man and his family executed by the Taliban for being a "collaborator".
She sells sea shells to she-cover from the she-cession 16 comments
· 3 years ago
I think that he's trying to be inclusive? But the words "recovery" and "recession" are spelt with a "re" instead of "he" which are the letters that "woke progressives" usually try to change?