Alright, I'm pretty serious this time. Maybe I'll come back, maybe I won't. We'll never know. Love to FunSubstance and all of it's users. Keep being awesome. (:
— MrsSparklez Report User
Pebble Shore Lake in Glacier National Park, Montana 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Stole my comment.
Bisexual girls 39 comments
· 10 years ago
It appears so.. I recall hearing him say this in Scrubs, but I could be wrong.
Assassin's cats 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Third of all, you don't speak to your big sister that way. Now away you go.
Whenever I randomly see my reflection 11 comments
Ask them what is nirvanna 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Just like that girl who wore a "Bazinga" t-shirt, and didn't even know who Kunal Nayyar was.
If only it could be this easy... 51 comments
· 10 years ago
I remember there being dispensers in mine, but they were always empty, so technically, I suppose, we didn't.
When people say they hate reading: 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I was reading the end of Allegiant, and was covered in tears. I was laying in my bed and reading, when my sister decided to come into my room. "Can you just go away and let me cry in peace!?!" I didn't leave my bed for a while.
If only it could be this easy... 51 comments
· 10 years ago
You see, us girls got each other's back. I don't care if you're my mortal enemy, if you tell me to check your butt to make sure you didn't leak, I'm there for you.
If only it could be this easy... 51 comments
· 10 years ago
Wow, mcr, are you serious?? I feel so old because I don't remember ever seeing condom dispensers in my high school's restrooms..
Edited 10 years ago
Will Smiths other son 58 comments
If only it could be this easy... 51 comments
· 10 years ago
I leaked during a party once. I was wearing an orange dress and my sister didn't bother telling me until after everybody left. Been paranoid ever since.
And now, I always just wear my loose pair of jeans, with a pair of tights underneath just to be extra precautionary.
Edited 10 years ago
And now, I always just wear my loose pair of jeans, with a pair of tights underneath just to be extra precautionary.
I did nazi that coming 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I had to do a research assignment for one of my classes once, and the teacher asked us to draw a picture pertaining to what we wrote in the paper. I drew the Hitler meme and wrote "Mein" when he got appeased. I got extra points.
That's so sad 3 comments
The best way to make a point 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I wasn't "starving" myself. Starvation is a whole other world, compared to what I was doing. Starvation to me, means not having anything to eat for days. I usually carry snacks, and I never really got hungry at school anyway, I just waited until I got home to eat, which isn't starvation. I eat my 3 daily meals. I usually used the lunch hour to study, or do homework.
Edited 10 years ago