What happened to the current generation? 10 comments
· 10 years ago
My class's highschool quote is YOLO.....
Rich people's secret 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Money can't buy happiness, but I'd rather cry in a Ferrari than a Volkswagen.....
Semi dark humor compilation 15 comments
I feel like this etiquette will get lost on the next generation 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't feel like this is always true. If the driver is already going somewhere and they invite you then I feel like you don't necessarily have to. But definitely if you ask someone else to take you somewhere then you should pay for them.
13/13/13? some people i swear 40 comments
Didn't work that well huh? 7 comments
How to ride a bike 33 comments
· 10 years ago
And they're hideous. There's a reason that designer brands don't make cargo shorts.
Comeback level: God 8 comments
Meanwhile in The Streets Of Dubai 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I think this is from the Ferrari parade they had a few weeks ago. I'm not completely sure though.
I like metal 8 comments
· 11 years ago
That things huge. Look at the size comparison with the door in the background.
Won't be putin me off 5 comments
I really think he won 5 comments
The world’s largest swimming pool 13 comments
· 11 years ago
At my pool, when someone poops all they do is scoop it out and then shock the pool. They never drain the water. It's kinda gross.
OMG is this a joke? Captains? Hello? Someone tell me what's the deal! 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah. I used to have a girl best friend and one time she mentioned something about tampons so I asked her about how they pee with them in. Let's just say I got a very descriptive explanation.