China Olympic 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Note to self: Ripping and joking about asians: OK. Religion: Not Ok.
Much owned 38 comments
· 11 years ago
How can I not, when people disrespect so much in the name of faith? By conveniently picking bits and pieces from an old book. A book about a dude claiming he was the son of god. With stories written around 50-100 years after he died. With so many historical facts ass backwards they are hard to add up with a calculator. A dude who was appointed the son of god, by men voting 300 years later? Come on.
Much owned 38 comments
· 11 years ago
Nope. Can't say I do. Only time I spend time thinking of god is when I see or hear something completely insane believers say or do. (Which, when I come to think of it, is quite often. Dammit.) When this happens I giggle a little, then I proceed feeling sad that som many people, for so long time, have ruined so much for human kind with their believes and their urge to make others believe the same. There are plenty of fantasy books out there. Open your eyes.
Selfie of the year 10 comments
Goal: Grab all the asses! 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Imagine the headlines if the other way around. Guy running around grabbing girls asses.
A fence at the berlin wall 4 comments
Northern europe expectations 9 comments
Northern europe expectations 9 comments
I like this pope, hes a cool pope 18 comments
· 11 years ago
He is also part of an organisation which has oppressed human kind for centuries.
Edited 11 years ago
BRILLIANT 20 comments
BRILLIANT 20 comments
· 11 years ago
It is not about supporting gay marriage. It is then about supporting marriage. Why do you care who gets married? And why do you care what is in an old book? There are so much crap in there that people, christian people who destain gay marriage, ignore. Divorce, tattoos - look in the old testament there are a lot of juciy stuff in there that if not lived by should result in death.
But no no, people just choose what is convenient to live by. That is what makes me a bit tired of this whole religion thing.
And that fact that someone do believe that the earth is 6000 years old. Believing that while driving pick up truck full of fuel? Com on.
And! Look at all the big religions, then look at the size of planet earth. Then look at the milky way and then look at the universe. So all gods for all religions just choose this planet? And never ever mention anything else? Even though they created everything?
By all means, believe in fairy tales if it makes you get through your day.
But no no, people just choose what is convenient to live by. That is what makes me a bit tired of this whole religion thing.
And that fact that someone do believe that the earth is 6000 years old. Believing that while driving pick up truck full of fuel? Com on.
And! Look at all the big religions, then look at the size of planet earth. Then look at the milky way and then look at the universe. So all gods for all religions just choose this planet? And never ever mention anything else? Even though they created everything?
By all means, believe in fairy tales if it makes you get through your day.
Wish this happened more often 6 comments
Advanced stupid 67 comments
· 11 years ago
On the note of people being ashamed of being American. I think you shouldn't be at all. America is a beautiful country and I always meet a lot of great people when I visit. But, on the other hand, since there are 300 miljon of you guys, there will be a couple of idiots. So what is up with "religious freedom"? And trying to get e.g. restaurant owners to be able to refuse to serve gay people? For real?
Sure have your religion, by all means do. But come on, don't take it to a state level. Don't try to make laws based on what is written in a 2000 year old part manual for how to live and part fantasy.
Sure have your religion, by all means do. But come on, don't take it to a state level. Don't try to make laws based on what is written in a 2000 year old part manual for how to live and part fantasy.
Really, nobody 6 comments
· 11 years ago
I hate myself for saying this. Sometimes I do care. If you are eating a great burger and not tell me about it? :(
Soccer then and now 14 comments