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Poor guy 121 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
A) a gryffindor student
B) the gryffindor lion
I would prefer A
Dust in the wind 5 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
I am groot
Happiness is 8 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Happiness is a warm gun
You don't see what you have until it's too late 9 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Or may he's an art major
Nemo's a very difficult name, I suppose. 8 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
I think you guys mean na bendydick crumblesnatch
3 · Edited 9 years ago
Horrible curses to wish upon someone 44 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
I hope you step on a lego
Just modern jesus things 1 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
We don't need no modern jesus
Gaygent 007 15 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Totally bi spies
13 · Edited 9 years ago
Angelina Jolie has a 100% true story about her altruistic kid 11 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
How can i be part of this amazing family?
Damnit 38 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Shut it Madison we all now your marriage is falling apart. STOP TRYING TO KEEP IT TOGETHER
Damnit 38 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
You know what Kelly I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK.
Damnit 38 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Go back to your book club Debra!
Damnit 38 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Well your children suck Joanne
The perfect offer. 8 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Which one?
so true 6 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
When i discuss with my father he says that this isn't a democracy, that it's a dictatorship and he is the leader
Damnit 38 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Come and get me Mary
I don't have a gag reflex 5 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Guys can suck dick if they want to
The truth behind Furbies 20 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
On that day humanity received a grim reminder
C'mon Disney, lock it up 21 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
And Pluto is sitting in the corner like: g-guys i think it's my week
Randomly typing 11 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Jesús housed shed she sided socks we'd be height head dwindle and elsewhere
he looks like a nice guy...* get myself killed* 1 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Being nice is gonna get me killed one day
When your cat loves you that much 5 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
Good kitty :3
f*ck you all 19 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
It's real!!!
Teenagers *heavy breathing* 32 comments
muffinunicorn · 9 years ago
The could care less as long as someone will bleed