The sience guy knows 63 comments
· 9 years ago
How about instead people don't force labels onto themselves. Like I don't care if you feel neither but you don't necessarily need to make something up for that. I mean I feel like a lot of kids feel they are the "wrong gender" because they like the opposite gender's stuff. But really they should just like whatever they like without feeling the need to change their gender to do as such.
More reddit gold 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Also there are people in special ed who do take regular classes. There's no where in this post that says he wasn't in it, or even that this teacher wasn't a special ed teacher
stay there, little dogie. 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Can I also point out that this is a pit bull? See look how good they can be!! And I personally think they have some of the prettiest eyes
*v* 10 comments
· 9 years ago
You definitely should! The tuition isn't that bad (even for out of state-ers) and even though CU and CSU are state schools, they've won major awards and government grants to do work, because the stuff we do here is great. And of course you can't beat "colourful Colorado"!
My back always hurt 8 comments
· 9 years ago
By the way the pain turned out to be my gallbladder trying to kill me. It's gone now :3
My back always hurt 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I complained about my bad back at work and these 50 year olds would be like "I have it worse than you so shush!" But it's like...I'm 18. I'm not supposed to have back pain. Yours is a given for your age. Silly adults
*v* 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Cool to see a fellow Colorado-ian, even if I'm going to CSU this fall... ;p
I know what I'm about, son 2 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm going to college in a few weeks and I swear if it's not better than high school, I'm dropping out and moving to a cabin in the middle of nowhere
Moms please do this. Be too smart to lose ur shit 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I work as a waitress and this couple that have three young children let their 4ish year old scream her head off (I wanted to yell at them to leave like in that one news story that came out a bit ago) but finally the mother just put her hand over the little girls mouth to shut her up and I was honestly worried about her getting hurt or even suffocating...
Show me ur dankest memes 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Thank you joshary, now here it is in detail, as explained by buzzfeed:
Mad props 33 comments
· 9 years ago
This comment thread makes me so happy because it's just so nice to see people curious and learning about a cuture different from their own; especially a holiday for Muslims in which you hear how peaceful and giving they are, as opposed to everything we hear on TV.
That's actually pretty accurate 7 comments
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not... 29 comments
are you an iguana because igwanna date you 6 comments
Now I realise why rock bands never dance 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Okay but have you seen the lead singer of WALK THE MOON's dance on Anna Sun??? It's like 1000x more gorgeous than this.
That'd be strange 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I legit almost did this at a fancy steakhouse I work at. I ran outside but it didn't stop ;-;
My boss almost gave me money for it too
My boss almost gave me money for it too
Haha 6 comments
· 9 years ago
It's still a start...any little bit of help is still help. However overall you are definitely correct. But still it's a kind thought
Learn This 9 comments
· 9 years ago
While that definition of antisocial is true for antisocial personality disorder, one of the definitions of antisocial is "not sociable; not wanting the company of others."
So while it may be more correct, politically and otherwise, to use asocial, antisocial is indeed a correct term for what most people use it for.
Edited 9 years ago
So while it may be more correct, politically and otherwise, to use asocial, antisocial is indeed a correct term for what most people use it for.