I'm a semi-adult cursed and blessed with the face of a child My hobbies are drawing and dreaming up stories. I usually find myself over explaining things. Sorry
— mythstory Report User
Every year 6 comments
· 10 years ago
In my college, none of the teachers updated grades until midterms.
When I found out the first diagnosed case of Ebola was in my state, Texas 29 comments
· 10 years ago
As long as we don't touch fluids of those infected, we should be fine (so make sure to have a secure bandage on any open wounds)
For those who are worried about breathing in the virus, please know that Ebola is not airborne. However, if you feel like your parter is infected with the disease, it would be best if you restrained from being intimate from them for about 8 days since kissing and intercourse is considered an exchange of fluids, and it is 100% possible to catch the virus that way.
For those who are worried about breathing in the virus, please know that Ebola is not airborne. However, if you feel like your parter is infected with the disease, it would be best if you restrained from being intimate from them for about 8 days since kissing and intercourse is considered an exchange of fluids, and it is 100% possible to catch the virus that way.
When I found out the first diagnosed case of Ebola was in my state, Texas 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Ebola replicates itself so fast that there are so many different mutant strains that are produced.
(And since the virus works by posing as the host's RNA strand, there are no quality checks made by the cell to correct the intruder's corrupted code. If the virus was made to replicate the DNA of the host, then the intruding code would *most likely* be overwritten by the original code because of the many quality checks it has built in to its replicating process)
Even if there was a cure, it would probably not last very long because the virus is replicating itself all the time at such an incredible rate.
(And since the virus works by posing as the host's RNA strand, there are no quality checks made by the cell to correct the intruder's corrupted code. If the virus was made to replicate the DNA of the host, then the intruding code would *most likely* be overwritten by the original code because of the many quality checks it has built in to its replicating process)
Even if there was a cure, it would probably not last very long because the virus is replicating itself all the time at such an incredible rate.
Catbug! A cat... who's also a bug 7 comments
· 10 years ago
If you people want to see more Catbug, he's a character in the show Bravest Warriors on YouTube. I think he even had another full episode to himself.
Marvel's Cinematic Universe 23 comments
· 10 years ago
I thought Deadpool was all over the Marvel universe ( as through the Deadpool comics).
Marvel's Cinematic Universe 23 comments
· 10 years ago
I honestly hope they have a Black Widow movie because she's so cool. I mean, I'm all for having another Avengers, but it seems like all they focused on was Hulk, Iron Man, and Captain America. Which is really most of the team, but it seems like Hawkeye and Black Widow get downplayed because of their lack of supernatural ability/flying powers.
preach 38 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree that we shouldn't treat people like shit, but just to point out, some of the people mentioned were not really in the majority. (For example, there are far more non-whites than whites).
And perhaps the reason that they treat the white-straight-cis-males this way is because they were the ones giving them all the shit. While an incorrect way to deal with these feelings of anger over this crap, their struggles have failed to be portrayed as being legitimate outside of their community, so they grow resentment toward those whom look like their oppressors, the white-straight-cis-males.
And perhaps the reason that they treat the white-straight-cis-males this way is because they were the ones giving them all the shit. While an incorrect way to deal with these feelings of anger over this crap, their struggles have failed to be portrayed as being legitimate outside of their community, so they grow resentment toward those whom look like their oppressors, the white-straight-cis-males.
Take the system and use it to beat the system senseless. 4 comments
· 10 years ago
What's sad is, if more people did this, they wouldn't change policies to make loan documents easier to understand, banks have so much power that they wouldn't allow that to happen. There would most likely be a law making it illegal to change documents sent in from banks.
Equality? I think not. 62 comments
· 10 years ago
There seems to be talk over "equality? This isn't equality" and the like. And of course this isn't equality, this isn't feminism, and this isn't right. I'm fine for all these discussions, but it is important to remember there are many victims of gender inequality on both sides.
Target marketing, social expectations, and social discrimination. Both sides are equally being hurt because we insist on separating out roles by the sex we are born with. I mean, we didn't choose to be born one way or another, why can't we grow as a society and treat everybody based on a fair level of justice?
Target marketing, social expectations, and social discrimination. Both sides are equally being hurt because we insist on separating out roles by the sex we are born with. I mean, we didn't choose to be born one way or another, why can't we grow as a society and treat everybody based on a fair level of justice?
Chinese student of architecture constructs a house that is only 7 square meters 3 comments
· 10 years ago
And since it's a smaller space, there's greater cooling/heating efficiency!
The future of america, equality my ass 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with the fact that this woman is crazy. However, with the title, I don't think that this is what feminists see as equality. This is clearly not equality.
it took me like five minutes 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Read can be pronounced as (reed) or as (red)
Lead can be pronounced as (leed) or (led)
Lead can be pronounced as (leed) or (led)
A good present idea 11 comments
· 10 years ago
If you use sparkling grape juice, you could even use this as a gift for a person that doesn't drink
"Discrete" packaging 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd say it creates unrealistic expectations everywhere.
But let's please not stereotype feminists here. Sure some of them have given reason for angry comment, but the wide majority are only trying to point out where women are being objectified as well as fighting for equality in gender and orientation.
But let's please not stereotype feminists here. Sure some of them have given reason for angry comment, but the wide majority are only trying to point out where women are being objectified as well as fighting for equality in gender and orientation.
this was what I was thinking about like RUN TO PRIMARK GURL 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Humans have been social animals for many years, though. So it would be also violating a very serious social code to turn against one of our own to the point of killing them.
It's not like it hasn't happened, but usually it's deemed wrong because we think 'that could have been me' and react against it for violating our trust, and making us feel fear.
No actual sources, so feel free to take all of this lightly
It's not like it hasn't happened, but usually it's deemed wrong because we think 'that could have been me' and react against it for violating our trust, and making us feel fear.
No actual sources, so feel free to take all of this lightly
you go gurl. 5 comments
I think I would. 59 comments
· 10 years ago
I would bookmark all the times I forgot, all the people I forget I met, and then I would read them over and over until I remembered as much as I could.
I would use it as a reference tool, to all those birthdays I spent with my best friend, those times when I did something unexpected.
I would read on, but not obsessively. I would read it as it were my reflection, to check up on myself, and to figure out who I really am.
I would use it as a reference tool, to all those birthdays I spent with my best friend, those times when I did something unexpected.
I would read on, but not obsessively. I would read it as it were my reflection, to check up on myself, and to figure out who I really am.
Something more important than school 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I would like school a lot more if my grades didn't affect my future so directly. I can see why it's done, it just makes it that much harder to enjoy. And given how many lifetimes it took to compile all this knowledge into research and history, I think we should at least be given some freedom to enjoy it.
This happens very frequently 3 comments
· 10 years ago
My car has three settings of wiper speed: off, manual, and wtf
If you see a car driving through with the wipers snapping away in a drizzle, that could be my car.
If you see a car driving through with the wipers snapping away in a drizzle, that could be my car.