Just a guy who loves games. I'm dating Violence, oh, and the person too.
— NaughtyBear Report User
Skillet - Feel Invincible 8 comments
· 8 years ago
man i forgot about skillet. pretty good band
How to deal with stupidity 3 comments
Curvy and fat 5 comments
· 8 years ago
I think "fat acceptance" is bullshit. There's a difference between bodyshaming and saying "hey, you need to make better life choices or you could die."
Noone should find morbidly obese women, or men for that matter, attractive. Not because they don't deserve it, but because it isn't a healthy lifestyle. It's fine if you like them for their personality but if that is the case you should try to get them fit. I'm not saying turn em into a skinny bitch, just cut some of the weight off so they don't weight as much as the cow their burger came from.
Noone should find morbidly obese women, or men for that matter, attractive. Not because they don't deserve it, but because it isn't a healthy lifestyle. It's fine if you like them for their personality but if that is the case you should try to get them fit. I'm not saying turn em into a skinny bitch, just cut some of the weight off so they don't weight as much as the cow their burger came from.
Just get it over with 9 comments
OMG POKEMON 30 comments
· 8 years ago
i am beyond hyped for this. ever since b&w ive had my doubts about a new pkmn game but those starters and legendaries look awesome as free burritos so im all in!
Blessed Thighs 6 comments
· 8 years ago
i like em thick honestly. i find thunder thighs attractive. MORE CUSHION FOR THE PUSHIN AMIRITE
Work smarter not harder 9 comments
Poor dog he must be high as a kite 19 comments
Texting the wrong number goes right 11 comments
· 8 years ago
not everyone is terrible guest. they are clearly faithful people and probably beleived that the men had no foul intentions. besides, who the fuck would try to go into a hospital in broad daylight and harm a total stranger and their baby?
Tnaaww 7 comments
· 8 years ago
never see anything dota related on most sites. soon as i saw tony (tiny) i was like WHAAAAAAAT!?!?!?
What's on the surface can often be deceiving. 10 comments
Pretty much, yeah 5 comments