Give this woman a cookie! 24 comments
· 11 years ago
dont complain about FEMINISM which is bitching about wanting to be treated equal to a man but getting to do as little as women were doing before you want to get the same respect do the same shit to earn it, what your little piece of pointless notebook paper should be whining about is a basic human rights issue, BTW I'm glad that instead of doing something useful like volunteering you've done something so massive as posting a notebook page with sharpie on it on a page meant for comedy, it gave me a laugh
A race of epic proportions 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Um... why do they look like they're trying to hold in a taco bell shit?
this is why beliebers scare the hell out of me 31 comments
· 11 years ago
WHY DAFAQ WAS THAT POSTED BY A BOY? Oh wait for a second there i thought the profile pic was a guy.....
Kissing anytime 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Quit bitching about the Avengers having a meal AFTER they saved the world
Dessert time 7 comments
Dark moments in history 23 comments
Crayola gangbang 12 comments
· 11 years ago
personally this woman is f'ing hot should have used a different example like nicki the gremlin faced beast