I'm looking at you Romain

I'm looking at you Romain

I love the future

I love the future

The meme edition of this famous quote

The meme edition of this famous quote

Even you, mods!

Even you, mods!

A stray cat mom took her baby to the ER. Doctors and paramedics helped the baby and took

A stray cat mom took her baby to the ER. Doctors and paramedics helped the baby and took

A dog mermaid named get off me

A dog mermaid named get off me

Ah, finally, peace

Ah, finally, peace

"invite her for dinner bro"

"invite her for dinner bro"

Baking vs cooking

Baking vs cooking

Fanfiction cares more about the source material more than mainstream studios

Fanfiction cares more about the source material more than mainstream studios
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