Howdy 27 comments
· 6 years ago
Yes we are...
You're welcome, Carol 6 comments
Get over it plebs 9 comments
· 7 years ago
So because Tesla presents an innovation people aren't entitled to their opinion?
And now I won't be able to sleep tonight 6 comments
Shut up Dave 12 comments
Transform into a pro photographer 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Hope they learn not to take a photo of someone backlighted by the sun...
Edited 8 years ago
See what dolphins see 15 comments
Perspective actually matters 4 comments
Good question 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Plus the coaster camera actually frame on a small single spot while security camera covers a lot of ground. Bank robbers snaps are a crop of the picture.
There is no perfect measure 1 comments
The value of the work you do 59 comments
· 8 years ago
Well, the problem is on the left. That guy should earn way more...
Edited 8 years ago
Kids work together to create eternal recess 2 comments
Oh my goodness look at that watch!! It's so perfect! 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Lokks like a Rolex Daytona in rose golde with leather bracelet. It's a very fine 20k$+ watch.
What they used in the past to kill vampires 9 comments
Arrow through an iPhone! So satisfying! 15 comments
There is no place for discrimination since we are always one at heart 12 comments
· 9 years ago
At least the NSA guy assigned to you today will have some fun while transfering your file to the FBI...
Canada, America's Hat 30 comments
His new best friend 14 comments
· 9 years ago
When a small dog attack it doesn't kill somebody. If it's not the breed, it's the owner than maybe pitbull owner are more stupid than the general popuation on average. Maybe there were more attacks by german shepherds than pit bull, maybe there were 2 times more attacks. What if there are 10 times more german shepherds? Pit bull are still more dangerous in proportion. And yes, I'm against every image that promote a dog race that can kill my kid if it's owner is stupid because I don't have that much faith in the general population's IQ.