Straight to the point 70 comments
· 11 years ago
How when pebble says something negative about obama he gets downvoted but when the guest says something it gets likes?? Sorry I do not understand the logic behind that
How to properly congratulate someone 7 comments
if only 21 comments
if only 21 comments
· 11 years ago
If fat turned into books you can read the books and then sell it to make money
What do you see in the picture? 40 comments
Oh Tumblr 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I just thought the same thing, we got 59 days of summer vacation, and it was one of the longer ones
Double standards...double standards everywhere. 31 comments
· 11 years ago
Not barbie though, they have a black doll I'm not sure what her name is but she is really pretty
A girl who grew up with the animal kingdom 50 comments
A girl who grew up with the animal kingdom 50 comments
· 11 years ago
I get that they are talking about the movie, but it's really a common misconception people have about south africa. My aunt was dating an american and he actually (seriously, not as a joke) asked her if he was gonna have to ride an elephant to get to her house, I dunno I just don't like the stereotypes but maybe I am a little too serious about this. Where in south africa are you guys from?
A girl who grew up with the animal kingdom 50 comments
· 11 years ago
Just because we're from africa doesn't mean we're black. I live in South afrinca and I'm pretty white also most people I know are white I'm in a school that has plenty of white girls. In Africa (specifically south africa and Namibia) we have a wide range of people, we have black, italian, french, indian, chinese etc, namibai has a lot of germans. The rest of africa is a little more black than south africa but therz still white people
A girl who grew up with the animal kingdom 50 comments
Life's book 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah it kinda sucked but I got over him and vowed that i wouldn't trust guys that easily in the new year
Life's book 30 comments
· 11 years ago
This reminds me of this one time I liked this guy so much and I had the biggest crush on him and then when he eventually kissed me I found out he made a bet with his friend so he got money out of kissing me and I ended up feeling stupid
True :) 5 comments
Realistic catalog 28 comments
· 11 years ago
You have in no way offended me :). Thank you for caring for your friend and about my feelings, you are the best friend anyone can ask for. I'm sure your friend is perfectly beautiful just as she is. Oh my gosh I'm crying now.. Sorry for the emotional outburst I'm not usually like that