➸ Lia | 16 | Sweden ➸


Valar morghulis, madafaka.

— ➸ Lia | 16 | Sweden ➸ Report User
mine 2 comments
nintendogirl · 8 years ago
The Girl Next Door!
I would gladly ride that dog into battle! 9 comments
nintendogirl · 8 years ago
Possibly a Leonberger
She was defrosting 6 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
She just needed to defrost, is all
Selling unworn yoga pants 17 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
No ass? Tss. I think I see an ass.^
Tales from the IT Office of a lady 10 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Oh, for fu-... the watch's sake. I'm still not over it.
Every picture 42 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Whoa there. Didn't mean to "throw a bitch fit". Just got a little annoyed by the fact that posing for a selfie apparently is only for "dumb attention whores", which I think is false. Regarding the "old times", it was just an example of what I've heard others say; NOT something I based on the comments of this post. Which also means the "bitch fit" of mine was not pointing at you only. Which also is why I didn't reply directly to your comment, you see? At least I have the balls to reply to your reply now. Posing for a selfie =/= "attention whoring" in my opinion. Posing for a selfie won't tear our society apart more than anything else would. And how on earth isn't it more self-centered/attention seeking to waste hours and hours on a portrait than snapping a picture?
EDIT: absolutely, critique is great as long as it's just (like you said) and I agree with you on that, but honestly, there are far more important things to criticise than posing for a selfie don't you think?
· Edited 9 years ago
Every picture 42 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Oh no no, I'm not pointing at *you* specifically, not at all. Mainly the ones right above me, going "dumb attention whores do", "NOOOT ALLLL GIIIRLS DOOO" and "I'm proud to say I've never done any of these" and so on.
Every picture 42 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
ALRIGHTTT I just want to get a thing out there; what's with the selfie shaming nowadays? "It was different during the older times ugh" yeah true, people got PAINTINGS made of themselves, wasting many hours instead of snapping a picture. "I've never done any of those I'm so proud!" you're such a special snowflake aren't you? "Only dumb attention whores do these" seriously. No. Just let people get their cameras out there and let them take their damn selfies and pose however they want. Don't be fucking mean.
Fans 28 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
The keyword of your whole text is "some" in the "some people". The thing is, most people on tumblr really strongly dislike the unnecessarily insane, cringy 'fangirls' who are still stuck at 12 years old. So don't worry. They should mature sooner or later, hopefully.
Teacher glues her calculators to bricks so they can't be stolen 10 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Isn't it powered by (sun-)light in the front, perhaps?
Plastic surgery makes everyone happy 15 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
But what if they were created with the desire to change something to feel better with themselves?
I like Shane... he's chill. 12 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Because he's Shane. Shane's chill.
My everyday dilemma 7 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
I don't even have a crush ,_,
[fedora intensifies] 1 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
When I start revising for my upcoming exams 10 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
But maybe, just maybeeee, Jon Snow actually knows something. idk.
Trachyandra looks like it came from another planet 7 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Or tiny (very curly) snakes.
A miracle indeed 8 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Well that's one way to do it.
Knight in shining armour 9 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Well said, well said.
NEU DONT DIE 18 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Aw shush, no need to immediately throw an insult. English isn't my native language either, so it's not supposed to be absolutely flawless.
Shut up and take my goddamn money! 23 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Well at least know that you're not alone, I wonder who *didn't* at least sniff a little bit while reading and/or watching the ending for the first time.
And I'm sorry but I just got that vibe! I mean I've been pretty undercover as an actual user here for over a year (I AM A SHADOW IN THE NIGHT) until recently, and you're pretty much everywhere. You know when you blow the things off of a poofy dandelion and they go everywhere? That's you. noo im totally kidding okay. But seriously. You seem hella rad. I mean it.
Shut up and take my goddamn money! 23 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
You sobbed? Dude. I'm kinda sorry, kinda not. Kinda because I feel bad for you (obviously) and kinda not because that means the film left some imprint on you. The book is almost always the given winner, but the film isn't always horrifyingly bad. No need to thank me! And oh my god I honestly (no sarcasm for once) feel kind of privileged since you're like one of the "famous" people on here and you're, like, really (really) cool y'know.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Shut up and take my goddamn money! 23 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
Oh my. Why, thank you very much! Since you seem to like my taste, I think your taste is splendid. Come back when you've finished watching and I'll see if you want to strangle me because it wasted your time, or not. On a whole nother note; this conversation made me smile like crazy, dude.
Shut up and take my goddamn money! 23 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
WHOA. You need to finish watching! It might be a liiiittle bit overrated but it's still not bad. They're two different kinds of entertainment so they can't be identical, but it doesn't make the movie adaption bad. Watch it! You won't regret it (that much). Dude?
Shut up and take my goddamn money! 23 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago
.. Dude. (i know this dialogue by heart pffhaah)
Shut up and take my goddamn money! 23 comments
nintendogirl · 9 years ago