

Niriel Report User
Everything AFTER the ball hit you is a bit of a blur 10 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
What kind of ball is it?
Coffee Machine vs French Press 3 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
I'm French, and 40 years old. I've never seen a "French" press.
Side bfs 10 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
Who writes like that?
The moon positioned perfectly on top of the satellite 3 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
The moon is always half a degree wide. To take that pic, just walk away from the dish until it's also half a degree wide. Then use a tele-objectif to take the pic. There's no trick, just planning and a good lens.
Nice 5 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
That's unsanitary. Also if they don't have the same blood type it could cause problems.
And be a good person 2 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
What do they mean with "fiber"?
As an IT guy, I understand that 4 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
Programmer 1: spend three days reading and doodling before even touching the keyboard, his code works. Programmer 2: pushes ten commits to the repo each day, gets behind schedule, some features are missing, there are bugs, a team works on the bugs, one month later the code is slow and weird but it doesn't crash anymore. Management thinks that Programmer 1 is a slacker and had an easy task, while Programmer 2 put a lot of effort and perseverance on a task that was 'obviously' difficult. In truth, Programmer 1 was thinking and designing, while Programmer 2 is shit. Programmer 2 still gets a raise.
Just develouper things 5 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
I worked on a data analysis software that had a NearestNeighborInterpolator for spectra an a NearestNeighbourInterpolator for images.
Who's bright idea was this? 4 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
I hope This day never comes 4 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
Use a VPN.
What numbers 4 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
And the dual numbers, split-complex numbers for dimension 2 along the complex. And the quaternions and octonions that have 3 and 7 imaginary parts respectively. And they can all be extended to use transfinite numbers…
Well shiiirt :) !! 2 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
What's a KMH?
Thoughts and Prayers 3 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
Seeing he was raised to believe he deserved eternal torture for minor things, I'm not surprised.
What kind of toys is this? 5 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
I like that it's grounded. Also there's probably a fuse in that plug, as is common in the UK. Safety first.
In the year 2525 9 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
It's not suicide, it's vandalism.
Can't help it 1 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
They have slot machines now.
Aaah the good old days 3 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
I remember programming Thomson's MO5 computers in school. I already had my Master's when MSN became a thing.
While the EU worries about plastic straws 9 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
Beyond that it's homeopathy and therefore good for you. Nah, seriously, that number looks like it was pulled out of nowhere.
Two types of people 3 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
I'm French, I use the dash as well.
Warlocks need to sleep, also 8 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
And all I know of him is his performance in the Gabriel Knight games.
Technology at it's peak 4 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
The fight that could end humanity as we know it 2 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
Adapt and overcome 4 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
I don't get it. Isn't Subaru the Japanese name for the Pleiades stars?
I'd shoot him too 3 comments
niriel · 5 years ago
Roughly speaking, it's actually illegal to take pictures of people in France.