There was some quality father-son bonding time 7 comments
· 5 years ago
That's because he was already dead when he got shot.
Just a little patience 5 comments
Prob a Anti-Vax too 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I had the biggest insight of my PhD during a flight from LA to Amsterdam and I spent several hours scribbling linear algebra. Nobody cared. Now I'm kind of disappointed. Maybe if I had said out loud that it was algebra and that the word came from Arabic, I would have a better story to tell.
Of fun 1 comments
· 5 years ago
It doesn't look that fun, though. It's just constant positive vertical gs. It's basically a gravity-powered centrifuge. Still probably one of the cleanest way to go.
Edited 5 years ago
What the hell were we thinking? 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Imaginary numbers create solutions. They replace trigonometry with algebra. I'd cry if I had to stick to real numbers.
Turtle coming out of hibernation 6 comments
· 5 years ago
… But much, much later than that, the Discworld was formed, drifting onwards through space atop four elephants on the shell of a giant turtle, the great A'Tuin.
Facts 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Python doesn't need semicolons or curly braces. One line one instruction, there's no reason to use semicolons. And since blocks are always indented anyway, no need for curly braces. Still, you can use semicolons if you want to 1) put two instructions on the same line and 2) lose all your friends.
Edited 5 years ago
*media coverage intensifies* 1 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm a guy and manspreading pisses me off as much as people who put their arm on the divider between seats. I'm skinny and still I have to squeeze so you can take half my space? That's rude.
And now I started doing little things just to progress. :) 2 comments
· 5 years ago
My exponent is imaginary, so, whatever I do my life is a mess of ups, downs, and crazy detours of unreal proportions.
Edited 5 years ago
Why not both? 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Because herbal medicine that works is called medicine. By the way, have you friends ever wondered why we look for medicines in plants, rather than rocks or other animals? It's super obvious, in hindsight, but things that go without saying go better when we say them. Plants can't move. They evolved to survive without moving. That means chemical warfare. If an animal isn't happy with the food around here then it can just go somewhere else. A plant has to fight where it stands, repelling other plants or animals. After billions of years, plants have developed an insane variety of chemical components to help with their survival. So many complex weird molecules! Even if a very small percentage can be made useful to humans, it's worth looking.
How to get a scientific paper for free 7 comments
· 5 years ago
True. Those exists. Rule of thumb: the longer the name, the shittier the journal. "Nature", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", good; "Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies", bad.
How to get a scientific paper for free 7 comments
· 5 years ago
And the authors also have to pay the journal in order to be published. It's not cheap. Fortunately more and more papers are also pushed on arXiv. The problem with arXiv is that it's not a peer review journal, it's just a database, but hey, it's free. Also, use "scholar dot google dot com" to search for papers, it's pretty good.
Anti-vax logic 14 comments
· 5 years ago
Science is a method that we can used to discover what is true. Do you care about whether your beliefs are true? Remember, faith is not a reliable pathway to truth. Indeed, there is nothing one couldn't accept as true purely on faith. And just in case, no need to talk about "*true* faith"; that would be a No True Scotsman fallacy. If you care about what's true, how do you make sure your beliefs are justified?
This is what floor heating looks like 8 comments
I'm this old 8 comments