Protecting muh pizza 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Funsubstance should know that the CTFxC just rescued a dumped puppy from the side of the road and deserve to be worshipped by us.
Taste the indian rainbow 32 comments
· 11 years ago
Doesn't it get in your eyes? o.o It looks like it would sting really bad...
Jamaican maths 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh my god, I remember being terrified of my dad's Jamaican friend when I was little because he had that crazy accent+the biggest fucking afro you've ever seen. (It didn't help that he was 6'5" also) It was a simpler time then...
When people say harry potter sucks 13 comments
· 11 years ago
My reply button is being a dumbass so I'm going to reply to you via another comment. Meryem I didn't say anything to you, so you should be the one chilling. I was getting after mcdonaldo (the poster of this gif) for being close-minded and rude about it. I didn't reply to your comment, like what...?????
When people say harry potter sucks 13 comments
· 11 years ago
So apparently people aren't allowed to dislike a series a children's books. I first read them when I was fifteen and I found they were too childish for me. Don't be rude because someone has different tastes than you.
Mo money mo problems 10 comments
Shitstorm upcoming! 44 comments
· 11 years ago
They aren't actually. Many other foreign countries are always surprised by how polite Americans are. (In fact, one example is Japan, surprisingly enough.)
Ellen is ridiciously economical 12 comments
I have a feeling this may actually feel gross 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Have you ever actually felt moss? It will live only off the water you drip when you get out of the shower, so when you actually get out and step on it it would be dry.
Chris Rock 5 comments
· 11 years ago
There's truth right there. Minimum wage is supposed be for teenagers. There are way too many adults being paid minimum wage. People need to stop pretending you can live off that.
I'm rather weird about my fictional characters 19 comments
· 11 years ago
I literally only listen to songs that apply to my favorite characters. If it doesn't work, I just don't listen to the song because I feel like it's a waste.
Solidarity with Venezuela 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Why is funsubstance always the last website to know about these things? I heard about this weeks ago.
I mean, what can go wrong 8 comments
Beware of the Beliebers 41 comments
· 11 years ago
Just seeing that girl's braid laying in this girl's lap makes me want to cry. It must've taken her forever to grow her hair that long and then some psychopathic bitch chops it off just because she made a rude joke. This is horrible. I just...
Graphs of your life 12 comments
Just Girly Things 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Even the term they have for someone being racist against a white person is racist. "Reverse racism" implies that only white people can be racist. Isn't it horrible?
Just Girly Things 33 comments
You really get this gif after two days without sleep, believe me 11 comments
· 11 years ago
You should have put this as NSFW and posted "Seizure Warning" in the title.
Going Tanning.. 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I actually have a friend who gets white specks on her skin after she's been out in the sun for a while. They're gone by the next day, though.
To all the girls 13 comments
· 11 years ago
*was literally just reading the story* He was not killed in war. It was never said how he and his brother died.
Anyway, she definitely married young in the first place is what I was saying. And the entire story took place in like one harvest season. Sounds a little rushed to me.
Anyway, she definitely married young in the first place is what I was saying. And the entire story took place in like one harvest season. Sounds a little rushed to me.
To all the girls 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Ruth was married to another man before Boaz for ten years so her example is irrelevant.
Mother russia 22 comments
· 11 years ago
The guy who messed up wasn't murdered it was a hoax. The ring that didn't deploy right is the ring representing America. Passive-aggressive olympics, remember?
The reason why most relationships don't last 19 comments
· 11 years ago
This is what my dad said to his coworker who has been married twice in the last five years. Good advice.