AMAZING cover of Frozen's "Let It Go" 21 comments
· 11 years ago
In case you were curious, this girl won The Voice in Korea back in 2012.
Thigh gaps 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I think girls want thigh gaps because they look better in tight pants or something, but everyone looks the same in tight pants so I don't see why they would care. I want a thigh gap because I love running but my thighs rub together and they're really sore and raw afterward. ;-;
Mom wins at life 14 comments
Battle to the death 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Look at those little assholes! "Omg they fell off the edge did they die?"
good guy, Drake Bell 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Everyone knows that the beliebers aren't the bigger people, but Drake Bell is bringing himself to their level by being horrid and rude. It's immature. I don't really know who Drake Bell is, but I'm pretty sure he is supposedly "an adult" who need sot be called out on his childish behaviour.
Also you can definitely abuse your rights, including freedom of speech.
Also you can definitely abuse your rights, including freedom of speech.
good guy, Drake Bell 19 comments
· 11 years ago
The problem with this is that the joke is worn out and he is just trying to piss people off at this point. Like, trying his absolute fucking hardest to piss people off just to get attention. Yes, beliebers are idiots, no you don't have to go insulting them every chance you get. What he's doing borders (well, he is kind of overstepping the border and that's why I'm commenting here) on things like bullying, harassment, etc.
Now, on the subject of first amendment rights, he is clearly abusing his. People say whatever they want waving the flag of free speech like "HAHA FREE SPEECH YOU CANT SHUT ME UP BECAUSE THATS ILLEGAL" and that is what leads some to believe that censorship is a good thing.
Now, on the subject of first amendment rights, he is clearly abusing his. People say whatever they want waving the flag of free speech like "HAHA FREE SPEECH YOU CANT SHUT ME UP BECAUSE THATS ILLEGAL" and that is what leads some to believe that censorship is a good thing.
good guy, Drake Bell 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Okay, this was funny at first, but now it's starting to border on harassment. Seriously, it's time for Drake Bell to grow up and let it go before he actually gets sued by someone.
The dik-dik 16 comments
· 11 years ago
I keep forgetting the pronunciation. It always hits me like a ton of rocks when I remember, it's so ridiculous.
12 year old girls with their makeup. 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Before you judge 12 year olds for their make-up, please make sure that they aren't 16 year olds trying to look older so they can get some respect, okay?
I think sometimes that i am alone in this. 66 comments
Braver at 8 that many adults ever will be 12 comments
· 11 years ago
This happened back when Beiber was arrested, but did FS care? Nooooo they were to busy making fun of an idiot celebrity.
Race problems 20 comments
· 11 years ago
One of my pet-peeves is definitely people assuming Asians are Chinese. :-/ I mean really. They could be Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai, and so many others I just get so irritated.
Airport logic 9 comments
· 11 years ago
The last time I was on a plane I didn't have to put my drinking bottles in a plastic bag or my nasal spray.
And you need to put the tray table up because if you leave it down and the plane crashes the table could cut you in half.
And you need to put the tray table up because if you leave it down and the plane crashes the table could cut you in half.
Its hard to be a guy ya know? 30 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm so sick of girls overreacting and being drama queens over stupid shit like this. Here's the only real reason to hate being a girl •inequality with men. Now for fucks sake just grow up.
Airport logic 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I think the plastic bag is for if it spills because of air pressure or some shit.
Gabourey Sidibe responds to her twitter trolls 26 comments
Am I the only one who prefers cities like this? 26 comments
· 11 years ago
The caption should've been something like "which one do you prefer" or something because "Am I the only one who" sounds pretentious and makes you seem like you think you're better than everyone else because you prefer the top one.
His fans scare the shit out of me, sometimes... 39 comments
· 11 years ago
What the actual fuck this has to be a hoax do they realize that they could die or worse kill other people???
Power of makeup 23 comments
· 11 years ago
One thing I've noticed is that when I see pictures like this, I never really think better of either one. They tend to look to same to me. :s
He better cries the first time 10 comments
Stop Imagining it 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Well, maybe then I wouldn't get horrified looks when I tell people I hate pizza. Maybe people wouldn't keep asking "OMG WAT IS WRONG WIT YOU PIZZA IS GREAT". Like, nothing is wrong with me i just hate tomatoes and processed meat. Yeah, a world without pizza would be much better for me.