That got deep 33 comments
· 9 years ago
This exact thing happened to me in first grade. You don't know me, and you have no reason to believe me, but I'm telling you, this really happens.
That got deep 33 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah. I started school in the UK, and they taught us cursive first. Then my family moved to the US and this exact thing happened to me: I got in trouble for knowing cursive. They also sent me to the school speech therapy program because of my accent. That was my big, fat "welcome to America!"
Ladies & Men 59 comments
· 9 years ago
I think it was called Frankinweenie. Can't say that I care to find out more than that...
Ladies & Men 59 comments
· 9 years ago
I would like to point out that John Bobbitt was an abusive husband and allegedly raped his wife before she cut off his... ahem... yeah. I just felt like this post insinuated that this list of people did what they did because they were rejected. She also felt bad and was the one who called 911. There's always more to the story.
All along 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Thats a good point. Women used to wrap rags in their garments, hence the term "on the rag," so if women wore pants, it would be immediately obvious who was having their monthly...
All along 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Its funny because this becomes even more plausible when you consider that the Scots also dropped their kilts before going into battle... So they would fight just in their long shirts
Story of my life - who else feels the same 50 comments
· 9 years ago
At least they exist. The "cool" bras may be sold out in your size, but they don't even make pretty bras in the larger sizes. When they're that expensive, we don't have time for rainbow colors, we get white, nude, or black. I mean, I can definitely understand your situation being annoying, but at least you have a chance.
Story of my life - who else feels the same 50 comments
· 9 years ago
My roommates were always making fun of me because I would always complain that one bra stabbed me and one was too small. They kept saying "Buy a new one!" And I was like, "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! THIS IS AN $80 INVESTMENT! WHY DO YOU THINK I ONLY HAVE 2!?"
Internet friends are the best though 22 comments
· 9 years ago
I met up with some internet friends at a concert once, and I was walking through the parking lot afterwards, and they called out to me. So, as I'm walking over, a security guard jokes, "You're holding up traffic. Is that your ride?" I replied, "No, those are my new friends from the internet."
I wish you could have seen the security guard's face. He looked absolutely horrified.
I wish you could have seen the security guard's face. He looked absolutely horrified.
I'm the champion 14 comments
· 9 years ago
True (not that I know THAT much about serial killers and their emotions), but I think, in a way, that is a type of search for happiness. I do think you pointed out a really good, subtle difference though.
I'm the champion 14 comments
· 9 years ago
To an extent, but I'm not going to mind my own business just because some serial killer wants to be happy...
He went all that way for an "i dont know" 1 comments
· 9 years ago
I keep hearing all these complaints about girlfriends that won't decide what they want to eat. I'm sitting here like, "I know exactly what I want." Maybe that's why I'm single. Too decisive when it comes to my food.
PS. In case you were wondering, If I had a boyfriend, tonight, I would have told him I wanted grilled cheese, Taco Bell, and McDonalds fries. ... And, not or. That's how decisive I am.
PS. In case you were wondering, If I had a boyfriend, tonight, I would have told him I wanted grilled cheese, Taco Bell, and McDonalds fries. ... And, not or. That's how decisive I am.
I re-watched them all and I can't figure it out 6 comments
· 9 years ago
That's because you've got them in the wrong order. The Legend comes after the Rise of the Guardians (the prequel) and the Guardians of the Galaxy. And the Titans had to have wrath before they could clash.
Don't let them know... 8 comments
· 9 years ago
One time I told this (super duper awesome) guy that my roommate and I had spent an hour and a half going through all his Facebook photos, and instead of being weird, he sat next to me for about four hours going through his Facebook and my own, trading stories back and forth. It was pretty awesome. Because I'm super weird, but he was like, "that's cool."
Wow 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Isn't it weird that we actually have receipts though? Like, guys, BIRTH CERTIFICATES. And when people ask you to provide your birth certificate, it's like when stores ask for proof of purchase.
Starbucks cups should come with crayons next time 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I know this is supposed to be an insult, but that's a great idea. I want this.
Don't trust everything the media says 21 comments
The meaning of stalking 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I once posted this on social media and several months later I got a message from a guy who had a thing for one of my roommates that said, "on october 9, you posted something about stalkers. I was wondering if that was about me." It wasn't, but the fact that he had to ask should have told him something....
So true 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I always feel like the customer is judging me when I check the bills. I wish there was a subtle way to do it, like a light on my side of the counter, but NO, they make me hold it up above my head right in front of the customer.
hope yall know that 1) we got thanksgiving to go through and 2) it's not winter yet 16 comments
· 9 years ago
1) I'm Canadian. Thanksgiving was last month.
2) Winter doesn't begin until December 21st. If you want to wait that long to celebrate, then that sucks for you. It's snowing outside, so I'm gonna party it up.
2) Winter doesn't begin until December 21st. If you want to wait that long to celebrate, then that sucks for you. It's snowing outside, so I'm gonna party it up.