Punny husky shares a pun 8 comments
· 8 years ago
This guest need to stay forever. He sounds as adorable as the little doggo.
.....shhhhhh I don't have a problem 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Well I mean Trafalgar Law just takes people's hearts and keep them without killing them.
Close enough.
Close enough.
Arts and Crafts with Ed Gein 32 comments
Batman is gay 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't even ship them. But I'd rather see her with Batman than the joker.
What most girls want to hear 8 comments
Someone recognize 7eggs icon? 2 comments
Could it be a mixture 20 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm 100% arab. But since I've learnt english, I can't help but think in this language.
You can't just disagree! 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Then the best reaction is to one punch that baby after telling her you don't agree.
In Denmark when someone finish high school they get a hat! 24 comments
· 8 years ago
In Algeria we either get a laptop, a phone, a painting, or a tea service depending on your grades.
Reverse puberty 10 comments
· 8 years ago
It's not that she's talentless. She can actually sing pretty well. The problem here is that she's waisting her talent.
How is this even possible 60 comments
Making your day a little worse 8 comments
Te woman crowning Miss USA looks like any typical horror movie villain speaking to their c 5 comments
When your whole squad look fly as f*ck 9 comments
A dehydrated pumpkin 11 comments
Perfect for those classmates you hate 4 comments
Subtle 6 comments
· 8 years ago
A black football player got thrown a banana by the crowd comparing him to a "monkey" wich is extremely racist, so since then everybody has been posting pictures like this to support him and stop racism.
Andy getting his Woody felt 5 comments
· 8 years ago
So are we gonna talk about the coca cola teaching? Does it teach Chemistry? Then, Pepsi must be that one math evil teacher that no one likes.
Not all Australian animals want to kill you 16 comments