Mad props 33 comments
· 9 years ago
During Ramadan, when a woman gets her "monthly", she doesn't have to fast, but men still do. So the woman can eat, but it's easier on both the woman and the man if the man doesn't see her eating during the day.
Mad props 33 comments
· 9 years ago
Well the men would be fasting and the woman wouldn't be, so she wouldn't want to get caught eating something an potentially tempt the man. Also just out of common courtesy, you know?
Mad props 33 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, I suppose, but it's courteous not to do it, for one thing, and (this applies mostly to brothers than to fathers) easier to avoid explanation.
2 types of people when peeling apples 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Except, I'm changmin when it comes to oranges and mandarins
Edited 9 years ago
2 types of people when peeling apples 26 comments
It's a courtesy, it's considered rude to them if you do it 11 comments
· 9 years ago
No it's not just rude, it forcefully breaks the prayer because for a brief moment, they weren't praying to God, they were praying to the person passing in front of them. It's the same reason we can't pray facing a photograph or poster with someone's face on it.
When I can't find my wallet 20 comments
Honey I think we all want to have sex with Ryan 10 comments
· 9 years ago
This is what scares me the most about eventually getting my wisdom teeth removed because what if I confess something to my parents?
And then you find them eating your food and using your Netflix 11 comments
· 9 years ago
I know my best friend's garage door code, and one time I was trick-or-treating in her street (bcuz they give good candy bruh) and she was already out trick-or-treating at her cousin's neighbourhood, but I really had to go pee so I opened her garage door and went inside, then locked up again, she had no idea I was even there.
Do you ever feel like a charmander in the rain? 17 comments
*drops mic* 18 comments
· 9 years ago
The story is great, but is anyone else baffled by how utterly gorgeous that lion is?
Smash bros 8 comments
· 9 years ago
When my brother was in high school he had this mini TV shoved into his locker and a game console and apparently he got into trouble for it countless times because kids would cut class to play games, even while he wasn't there. Everyone just knew his combination.
I'll just leave this here... 10 comments
When your friend starts telling stories... In front of your parents 5 comments
· 9 years ago
This one time my friend let it slip in front of my dad that I've had a boyfriend. Thankfully he wasn't listening to our conversation, so he didn't hear.
When my friends introduce me to a new fandom 15 comments
· 9 years ago
No I know, I've watched FMA :P I wanted to play the game where someone who hasn't tries to explain a weird scene. :)
When my friends introduce me to a new fandom 15 comments