This shit is the best 18 comments
· 9 years ago
We have maltesers in Canada
So true... It sucks growing up 4 comments
May I introduce you one of my "money-to-shit-converters"(I love them) 24 comments
· 9 years ago
I had many, but after my last pair died I decided I didn't want any more. They came from a spontaneous whim my dad and I had. He was driving me to my violin lessons and we found that someone had thrown out a perfectly good parrot cage. We picked it up. On our way home, we stopped by the pet store and bought two budgies, one blue and one green. They were named Sapphire and Emerald. Because their cage was a parrot cage, they soon learned that they could slip through the wires and roam around the house. I loved them very much, and I like to think they loved me back (Emerald more so than Sapphire.) When she died, Sapphire left his cage to roam the house and kept calling out for her. We think he came across an open window or door and flew out, because we haven't seen him since.
Just had my first kiss 56 comments
haha 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Beat me to it XD some of those men have better eyeliner skill than me.
Edited 9 years ago
I should probably comprar this shirt 11 comments
Can't be the only one 17 comments
· 9 years ago
If my bedroom door is closed, I can tell who's coming by the sound of their breathing
Depression 22 comments
· 9 years ago
At a summer camp i was forced to reveal my mental illnesses to my roommates after having an anxiety attack in the shower when they banged on the door and started yelling at me and I told them I also had depression and they were like, "okay, no you don't," and I asked, "what makes you say that?" and one of them said, "i've seen you be happy and smile and laugh." I told her that isn't how it works, but she had a hard time understanding that my smiles and laughter is mostly just a habit of faking it, and very rarely actual joy.
An alternative to spin the bottle 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Also you have no idea who out of the group voted for which so if you get 'slap' you kinda have to sit there like "over half of these people hate me... but who..?"
....and moved to Nigeria 8 comments
French speaker would get it 22 comments
· 9 years ago
[gasps in french]
For those who don't get it: vous is the plural you, but it's also used as the formal singular you. Tu is the singular you and is informal.
For those who don't get it: vous is the plural you, but it's also used as the formal singular you. Tu is the singular you and is informal.
You can only choose one pill. Choose wisely! 39 comments
Happens too often 13 comments
· 9 years ago
For some reason i always forget the turkish word for "skin". I always need to ask someone about it, but otherwise, I'm fine with both languages. It's just that word.
Our system is flawed! All is worthless 9 comments