Jen Smith


Jen Smith Report User

Who needs an education anyways

Who needs an education anyways

Japan joins the big table of Imperial powers

Japan joins the big table of Imperial powers

Just light it up Linda

Just light it up Linda

Bones are wet? Ima rope

Bones are wet? Ima rope

Nagatoro jealousy and overprotective UwU

Nagatoro jealousy and overprotective UwU

Why do entry level positions need 5 years experience?

Why do entry level positions need 5 years experience?

At least you tried, John

At least you tried, John

Some naval history for y'all

Some naval history for y'all

*** yeah breh do it

*** yeah breh do it

Puuuuhweeeeess play woth ma, kijje?

Puuuuhweeeeess play woth ma, kijje?