Im a girl who lives in a place on the world. Anyway, I own lots of pets such as Horses, dogs, lizards, snakes, guinea pigs and more. Umm.yeah
— Novababy78 Report User
Scumbag Printer 1 comments
· 10 years ago
So true.Whenever I print something random like a picture for my wall or something the printer works fine. The second I need to print my 8 page research paper for class,bam, printer is broken. Wtf!
Hush Hush - Alexis Jordan xD What's yours? 77 comments
· 10 years ago
Grind on me by pretty Ricky
Shake SeƱora by Pit Bull
Trading Places by Usher
Shake SeƱora by Pit Bull
Trading Places by Usher
goddammit humback 85 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I love this game!! I used to be a bitch and build a cage and lock the people in it and block the door so they couldn't get out. They were a human exhibit lol
Seductive seal makes a move 1 comments
· 10 years ago
I feel so slow right now,I reread that like 6 times before I realized what it said haha
Stupid 7 comments
Bro Fist 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I completely agree with you,this is disrespectful and not funny. Our troops do a lot for us
I think we all feel like dorothy sometimes 1 comments
When things go too far 1 comments
· 11 years ago
That's so cute actually,and a really cool idea,I shall try it on my horses
Found it.. 1 comments
Florida man 21 comments
· 11 years ago
I live in florida and omg there are so many...strange things that happen here
Steve...Steve wake up 14 comments
· 11 years ago
It's so adorable *slowly backs out of the room not wanting to wake up Steve*
Ouch, my emotions! 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes I find it cool that this little dog did his best to save these children. And its sad he died. I'm probably going to get down votedfor this but I need to say, it annoys me how many posts there are that are against pit bulls. I'm just saying,I personally own 4 pit bulls and they are a very sweet breed of dog. Any breed of dog can be aggressive,whether its a big dog like a pit or a small dog like a terrier,any dog can be aggressive and attack. It's a sweet story and I'm sad that the dog died and happy that the children are ok, but I hope people realize that pit bulls are not bad dogs,they were probably just trained wrong.
Remember this picture? 11 comments
· 11 years ago
This owner is an amazing guy for caring so much about his dog. And the dog is adorable! Such a great story!
Did you know? 20 comments
The horses in Frozen are real 34 comments
· 11 years ago
There is a little girl who always rides a fjord in the shows, cutest girl and most adorable horse ever,they are so sweet
Some people can use a cup of this 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I bought this for my dad on his birthday and when he's mad at someone he stares at them and slowly lifts the cup lol
The young pickup 2 comments
· 11 years ago
Is it odd that I actually find this adorable? Lol just cuz of how well they described it lol
Anon tries fapping 14 comments
In your face! 6 comments
How I Answer Every True or False Quiz... 1 comments
· 11 years ago
I attempted this on a test...I still got them all wrong, my teacher wrote Nice Try on it...don't try this,its a trap! Lol
Alrighty 15 comments