Everyone, every time, everywhere, everyday 49 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Nah that's just retarded
Everyone, every time, everywhere, everyday 49 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Damn the kid in the pic looks like an anorexic holocaust victim
This really bothers me 13 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Until around 3 years old, months are important milestones in a baby's development, which is why their age is referred to in months, you fucking idiots.
Oh my 31 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Lol he's a slut. But I guess he worked for that body so he's more justified in showing off his body than the other sluts I've pointed out earlier
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
What was happening was as follows: guest puts forth his opinion. Sero responds like a twleve year old in order to refute guest's statement. I see this happen, and call sero out on it. Just because sero's opinion is the more popular one doesn't mean he/she gets to present it in such an idiotic manner. By acting as one with a single digit IQ would, sero completely obliterated his/her own argument. Basically, you didn't see it as a debate because sero was just so insanely stupid that it actually didn't look like one. Just, so fucking earth shatteringly troglodytic that he/she actually ended the debate on the spot, with his/her unquestionable loss of dignity and status as a thinking human.
Pluto like 2 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Is over 31,000 miles per hour considered slow to you?
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Omgimnop, did you see sero say ANYTHING intelligent that entire time? When you're debating your opinion, you need to provide facts in an intelligent manner, not just say, "I don't care loleoleol," like a mindless ape.
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Stop making yourself look so idiotic, jesus
· Edited 9 years ago
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
It is an indication of your mental incompetence, sero
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Ty hotty
They deserved it
· Edited 9 years ago
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
:0 you're the only one XD thanks tho
· Edited 9 years ago
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
You can't
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Again, you're delusional and you don't possess the ability to respond intelligently, even if you tried, serosan. Go drink some rat poison, you would increase the world's average IQ if you died.
· Edited 9 years ago
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
I think serosan, regardless of whether they are correct or not, is a mindless idiot due to how they deal with opposing opinions. How about you respond intellectually you mindless piece of shit.
What do you guys think? 17 comments
ns · 9 years ago
The foam on my beer looks like the United States 9 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Funny how you posted the exact same pic with the exact same title on 3 different websites. Oh wait, you fucking didn't. I hate when people steal images, then go so far as to claim it's their's.
When girls call boys "Daddy" 15 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Implied incest is disgusting regardless of their preferences
Just to be Crystal Clear 25 comments
ns · 9 years ago
The Hindu one is super ironic lol
I think what everyone needs 47 comments
ns · 9 years ago
What do you guys think? 17 comments
ns · 9 years ago
^~^ the lil boy hugging the dinosaur 35 comments
ns · 9 years ago
It is fun
^~^ the lil boy hugging the dinosaur 35 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Hey I'm giving them a task that a weakling deserves
The treason cake 12 comments
ns · 9 years ago
I'm like 90% sure it was intentional
^~^ the lil boy hugging the dinosaur 35 comments
ns · 9 years ago
Maybe suicide in adults can be considered suicide, but honestly why the fuck would kids do it. Also the fact that she just puts it out there just reeks of attention whore.
^~^ the lil boy hugging the dinosaur 35 comments
ns · 9 years ago
"Oh no they called me a poopy-head! Where is the bleach mom?"